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Spam...No One Wants To Receive It

SPAM - JUNK EMAIL AND WHAT IS BEING DONE ABOUT IT The main body of Senate Bill 1618, which has passed the Senate and is now being considered in the House of Representatives as H.R. 3888, is about preventing "slamming" (the practice of changing someone's long-distance telephone service without their permission), but it also contains a last-minute addition that, many feel, will legalize and encourage "spamming" -- the sending of unsolicited broadcast email.

Senators Murkowski and Torricelli, who introduced the rider to the Anti-Slamming bill, claim that their amendment is anti-spam and pro-consumer.

The bill attempts to regulate, rather than prohibit, the practice of sending unsolicited broadcast email. Enforcement of this law is left in the hands of the Federal Trade Commission, which is required to receive, but not act upon notices of violation of this law.

If the bill passes in its current form, it may be interpreted by many as a "green light" for broadcast email advertising. In fact, many of our members have already begun receiving messages quoting the bill and claiming to be "fully in compliance with the new law" and therefore a legitimate invasion of their privacy and property.

What can you do about this?

1. Inform yourself. Read the text of the bill itself on the Web Visit sites such as and where there are links to additional resources and information regarding the problem of unsolicited broadcast email.

2. Inform your legislators. Contact your US Senators and your Representatives. Consider supporting a different bill, H.R. 1748, the "Netizen's Protection Act", which outlaws commercial email broadcasting and puts the power of enforcement into the hands of the individual citizen.

This article was from an e-mail that I received from my internet provider. I already thought this was a worthwhile I have it in writing...

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