We, the Senior Class of 1936, do singly will and bequeath the
following: (by Mavis Murray)
To the Juniors we bequeath our seats in chapel, and all the
dignity and singing ability that goes with them in sincere
hope that they will not abuse them.
I, Ernest Glazner, will my office as Senior president to anyone
of equal ability.
I, Mildred James, will my slender figure to Margaret Norris.
I, Imogene Stafford, will my prissy walk to anyone who can imitate
I, E.M. Bowen, will my way with women to Foy Sanders.
I, Dennis Trott, will part of my height to Bobbie Lee Tolliver.
I, Mary Rose O'Neill, with tearful eyes and trembling lips, hereby
bequeath to Jack Connell my place on the honor roll.
I, Tom Smith, will my red hair to Louise Vaughn.
I, Billye Mae Davis, will my fair complexion and blond hair to
Sybil Lee Davis.
I, Katie Pace, will my quiet disposition to Mary Frances Strong.
I, Mary Weaver, will my place in the library to Jo Jane Griffith.
I, Stephen Preslar, will my sense of humor to C.E. May.
I, Wanda Castleberry, will my cute little grin to Taska Conklin.
I, Scott Neal, will my ability to ride horses to Maxine Dutton.
I, Bill Beach, will my musical talents to Deane Crawley.
I, Ruby Williams, will my attentiveness in classes to Wallace Reed.
I, Durwood Bush, will my ability to get out of work to anyone who
can make a success of it.
I, Mary Sheridan, will my place in the office to Homer Smith.
I, Sammy Ruth Matthews, will my ability to tell "jokes" to Pete
I, Durward Hartin, will my football jersey No. 66 to Willard Balch.
I, Deluia Jay, will my ability to blush to Jimmy Utley.
I, Everett Donowho, will myself, body, soul, mind, and heart to
the service of Wilma Bankston.
I, Terrell Williamson, will my peculiar laugh to Eugene Kribbs.
I, Helen Collum, will my sex appeal to Fern Allen Meroney.
I, Mellenger Jacoby, will my place on the bench to next year's
football star.
I, Fred Reese, will my ability as a caddy to Clois Phillips.
I, H.P. Ball, will my ability to concentrate to Arie Sharp.
I, Imogene Powell, will my "Uncle John Cleo" to the Seniors of
next year.
I, Lucille Woods, will my jazz instinct to Mildred Fern Mitchell.
I, Alda Mae Miller, will my popularity with the "Freshmen" to
Aline Reuwer.
I, Buster Higdon, will three of my freckles to Dorothy Bias.
I, Lemmie Bray, will my timidity to Vivian Champion.
I, Clarence Janes, will my ability to play basketball to Gates
I, Camilla Hunt, will my silly giggles to Minnie Lee Shirley
and Mozell Crews.
I, Maurico Agnew, will my job at the picture show to Earl Brown.
I, Hazel Barker, will my "bottle blond" hair to Juanita Kimbrough.
I, Wilmot Simpson, will my place on the football team to Dean Walsh.
I, Odell Jay, will my "sprained" eyebrows to Catherine Jane Conley.
I, Barcus Coalson, will my "bright" red cap to anyone it will help
I, Joe Rhodes, will my "Poly" football sweater to anyone who can
wear it with as much success.
I, Charles Hodges, will my loud mouth to the "Baskin twins."
I, Roy Spiess, will my book on "Beauty Secrets" to Ray Gray.
I, J.A. Johnson, will my reckless driving to Phillip Kribbs.
I, Jane Branton, will my excess pounds to Edith Mae Taylor.
I, Ray Cole, will my golfing ability to my little, kid brother,
I, William Bordeau, will my good looks to Junmy Ralston.
I, Woodrow Dinsmore, will part of my collection of football
equipment back to the school.
I, Roy Hanson, will all I gained as drum major, except my wife,
to Lewis Huges.
I, Mavis Murray, have nothing to leave dear Ol' Ranger Hi except
my good wishes.