That group of over-grown children everyone saw riding around
town on bicycles Friday, April 1, was only the Senior class
of RHS. Don't worry though, everything is back to normal now.
"Kid Day" was enjoyed by the class of 1960, Friday at the high
school. Everyone came dressed as a reasonable facsimile of
their younger "daze". The girls wore penafores with ribbons
in their hair and carried dolls and stuffed animals. Boys
in short pants were equipped with "bean shooters" and water
guns. Everyone got wet and had a good time. They were permit-
ted to chew gum and eat candy and play with their toys in class.
The "Kid Day" program presented in assembly at 10:30 was as
follows: Charles White gave the salutation and introduced
the numbers.
First on the program was a musical entitled "The Easter Parade"
by Patsy Vinson, Doug Rogers, Barbara Craig, Bobby Fron, Nancy
Cantwell, Jack Hazard, Nedra Hodges, Don Chatham, Glenda Rains
and Jerry Wilson.
Next was a skit entitled "The Ten Little Indians" by Sally
Mendez, Barbara Craig, Nancy Cantwell, Nedra Hodges, Glenda
Rains, Karen Killingsworth, Rozelle Hatton, Sandra Cooper,
Rita Underwood and Patsy Vinson.
Barbara Craig then recited a poem entitled "Mother Goose."
Following this was a folk dance "Put Your Little Foot" by
Marinell Shockey, Dick Jolly, Nina Henry, Walter Blackwell,
Gail Rapp, Mike Herrington, Nellie Sue Vinson, Jerry Wilson,
Pat Graham, Don Adams, Sue Rodgers, Jimmie Burnett, Norma
Gayle Emfinger and Bill Stuart.
Doug Rogers then gave a recitation on "An Improper Habit"
(chewing gum in public).
Next was a song "Quack, Quack" by Sally Mendez, Barbara Crabb,
Marinell Shockey, Pat Graham, Norma Emfinger, Linda Drennan,
Nellie Sue Vinson and Nina Henry.
A boys quartet then sang "Peter Cottontail" with Rozelle
Hatton portraying the Easter Bunny and distributing Easter
Eggs to the seniors. The quartet consisted of Jerry Anderson,
Bobby Fron, Homer Montgomery, and Dick Jolly.
Mary Kay Rush then recited a poem, "Good Little Girl."
The concluding part of the programs was the Rhythm Band which
rendered three numbers. The director was Linda Drennan and
band members were Rita Sipes, Frances Veale, Jimmie Stroud,
Voncille Wells, Alfred Rogers, Mac Jacoby, Johnny Pirkle,
Don Chatham, Sandra Cooper, and Rita Underwood. Accompanists
for the program were Karen Killingsworth and Mary Kay Rush.
Members of the class enjoyed a picnic lunch at the Willows
Park at noon and rode their bicycles after school. They
were entertained at the home of classmate Nina Henry where
they had a Bar-B-Q chicken supper.
The "Kids" were still going strong as they attended the
junior class play that night. It proved to be a thoroughly
enjoyable but rather tiring day.
Sponsors of the class are Mrs. Helen Hagaman and Mrs. Arthur
Ranger Times (04-1960)-Article courtesy of Alfred Rogers.
RHS-1960 Kid Day at the park on April 1st enlarge
includes Don Adams, Jerry Anderson, Walter Blackwell, Jimmie
Burnett, Nancy Cantwell, Sandra Cooper, Barbara Crabb, Norma
Emfinger, Micheal Fron, Patsy Graham, Rozelle Hatton, Jack
Hazard, Nina Henry, Mike Herrington, Nedra Hodges, Mac
Jacoby, Richard Jolly, Karen Killingsworth, Sally Mendez,
Homer Montgomery, Johnny Pirkle, Glenda Rains, Sue Rodgers,
Alfred Rogers, Marinell Shockey, Rita Sipes, Rita Underwood,
Frances Veale Charles White, Jerry Wilson, & others.