Ranger Exes Memorial-TX - Old Ranger Photos The Boom Years - Page 1 of 14
[ 1 ] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] Ranger oil boom was born when the McCleskey No. 1 roared in on Oct. 17, 1917. Oil flowed over the top of the rigging for four weeks before it was brought under control. The well produced 1600 barrels of oil a day.Ranger became a busy, noisy city when the oil boom came. The streets turned into mud holes that were difficult to maneuver.
During the boom, oil derricks dotted the landscape of Ranger. The acrid, sour smell of gas was everywhere.
Ferry boating the mud in downtown Ranger. Thousands flocked to Ranger to join the adventurers who continued to swarm in from every part of the country.
Oil derricks in Ranger. Farmers who had barely eaked a living out of the sandy dunes on crops of meager peanuts, cotton, and livestock, found their acres worth thousand of dollars.
Busy downtown Ranger during the oil boom. Just 37 years after the town was formed in 1880, it erupted into a teeming mini- metropolis overflowing with people needing a place to live and merchants a place to do business.
Ranger oil fields. The fabulous Ranger Oil Boom was destined to forever mark the small West Texas town as the site of one of the miracles of the industrial age.
Ranger first street car. The drivers known as "nickel schemers" charged 5 cents for a distance of 14 ft.
Downtown Ranger during the oil boom. Ranger went from a few hundred people to a city of 30,000.
Muddy streets during the oil boom. There had been a 18-month drought but in 1918 the rains fell through one fall and winter.