MATTHEW HILSMAN "M.H." HAGAMAN came to Ranger, TX in
1888, took a job as school teacher, in 1889 was named
as one of the school's principals, in 1919 was on
school board, was responsible for many businesses
serving Ranger, among them the first nursery in the
county (1890). He allowed a portion of his ranch to
be used for a quarry of superior quality limestone.
It was used on the railroad, roads, and in concrete
aggregate. Prior to the city's incorporation he held
special events, promoting Ranger from his ranch. He
built with his own money a modern water processing
plant. After it became successful, the city requested
and was allowed to buy the water plant and make it a
city service. He agreed to let the city build a sewer
plant on his ranch. He was Ranger's first mayor, and
was active in the Ranger Masonic Lodge and the First
Methodist Church. He also served the district as State
Senator in 1926. Inducted into the Ranger Hall of Fame
in 2000.