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Angel Hair Pasta with Tomatoes and Feta

3 tablespoons olive oil
1 onion (1/2 lb.), peeled and chopped
3 tablespoons thinly sliced garlic
1 pound dried angel hair pasta
2 pounds firm-ripe Roma tomatoes, rinsed, cored, and chopped
3/4 cup chopped fresh basil leaves
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1/2 pound feta cheese, crumbled
Salt and pepper

1. In a covered 6- to 8-quart pan over high heat, bring 3 to 4 quarts water to a boil.

2. Meanwhile, in a 10- to 12-inch frying pan over medium-high heat, frequently stir oil, onion, and garlic until onion is limp, 5 to 7 minutes.

3. Add pasta to boiling water. Stir often and cook, uncovered, until pasta is barely tender to bite, 3 to 5 minutes. Drain and put in a wide, shallow bowl.

4. Meanwhile, add tomatoes to frying pan and stir just until warm, about 2 minutes. Stir in basil and parsley, and heat just until basil wilts, about 1 minute.

5. Pour tomato mixture over pasta. Add cheese and mix. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot or cool.

Yield: 8 servings

Per serving: 371 cal., 29% (108 cal.) from fat; 13 g protein; 12 g fat (5.1 g sat.); 52 g carbo (3.6 g fiber); 333 mg sodium; 25 mg chol.

Source: September 1999 Readers' recipes tested in Sunset's kitchens; Copyright 1999 Sunset Publishing Corporation
Submitted by sooz

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