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Chicken Fettucini

1 lb. chicken breast
1 can chicken broth (boullion cubes or granules give a better flavor)
1 8 oz. pkg cream cheese
1 half cup parmesan cheese
1 green bell pepper sliced
1 small can diced green chiles (my own addition)
Dash of garlic salt

In large skillet cook chicken using some of the chicken broth to give the chicken more flavor and the I just add some water to it so the chicken doesn't burn. I also break up the chicken into cubes wile I am cooking it. But with this recipe you can do your chicken almost how ever you want it. Then to the side I saute the bell pepper until it is tender. When done put chicken and bell pepper off to the side and in skillet add cream cheese and remaining broth and cream together until smooth. Then add parmesan cheese and that will thicken up the mixture. Add a dash of garlic salt, and chicken and bell pepper. Then put your sauces over a bed of fettucini noodles. And your done!

Submitted by Jammie

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