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Potato Soup

8 strips of bacon
1/2 cup of peeled,chopped onion
6-8 potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 can of pet or carnation milk
1/2 lb of velveeta cheese
a dash of garlic
a dash of thyme
salt and pepper to taste
1 chicken buillon cube

Take the bacon and dice it up. Cook in a pan until crispy.Take it out and drain it on a paper towel. Cook onion in bacon grease until soft. Set it aside. In a stockpot, place your potatoes and buillon cube. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Reduce your heat and cook until potatoes are soft. Add more water if you have to. When it's done, take a masher( i put some in a blender) and mash the potatoes in the water. Add your spices, canned milk, onions and bacon. continue to cook on a med/low heat and add your cheese then.If you find the soup to be too stiff or thick, add more canned milk.

Submitted by Cathy N.

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