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Tiffany's Chicken Wings

Approx 80 Chicken Wings, raw
32 ounces Crystal Louisiana-style Hot Sauce (any brand but must be Louisiana-style)
1 cup Margarine (don't use butter, it separates too much)
1/2 to 1 tsp Schilling's Herb and Onion Seasoning
1/2 to 1 tsp Schilling's Herb and Garlic Seasoning
1-2 Tbsp Worchestershire

In medium saucepan, melt margarine and add Crystal. Sprinkle seasonings and Worchestershire into sauce and mix well. Bring to a slow boil and then turn off.

Prepare chicken wings, cutting and discarding tips, as necessary. This step you can either: 1..(my method) Deep fry in small batches for approx 20 minutes or until golden brown or 2. Bake in an 400° oven until golden brown.

When the first batch of chicken is done, dump in sauce, heat sauce until it is simmering, spoon out chicken and place on baking sheet. On lowest temp in the oven, dry for 30 minutes. This *sets* the sauce so it isn't so wet.

I serve with plain tortilla chips, celery and plenty of Marie's blue cheese dressing for dipping. Some people use Ranch dressing also.

This is my personal recipe, unpublished.

Submitted by Tiff

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