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Warning!!! This work here is by me, and me alone. It is 100% Copyrighted. If I find you stealing my ideas or work (I don't think anyone would want to do that anyway), you'll be sorry! For any reason you would want to duplicate my work, please contact me! Or you can just drop me a line. Have fun!

This is a historical story I wrote while in fifth grade. My teacher picked this to be displayed at a Fine Arts Festival even though it's not that good. This is about an attack that George Washington lead into Trenton, New Jersey in the year 1776 against German mercenaries. After a few modifications to the story, I am putting this out for pure enjoyment. Enjoy! (Please gimme a break, OK? I was a kid when I wrote this!)

"Johnny Sillie, really silly!" said one of the soldiers. Johnny did nothing and just stood there. He was really tired of being teased by soldiers.

"What's the matter? Can't talk back?" Mark Wiz teased. Mark Wiz is one of the bravest and strongest soldier out of the army. This year, he was picked "The Soldier of the Year." He was given a certificate that had his name on the top, and in the middle, it said, "Best Soldier of the Year." Then at the bottom, it had 1776 written in dark ink. Mark always teased Johnny, a tall twenty-one year old with blonde hair. He always teased Johnny because Johnny always chickened out on things. Johnny came to this surprise attack at Trenton because he had to.

"I can too talk back!" Johnny said nervously.

"I'm so scared!" Mark teased again. Just as Johnny was going to say something, George Washington came.

"You guys stop what you are doing. The boats are ready, so help me put the cannons and horses on there, then you guys will be off across the Delaware River." George Washington walked away and Johnny just stood there.

"Could you die in this battle?" Johnny asked.

"What's the matter? You chickening out?" Mark asked. Then he walked away. So Johnny went over and tried to help. But no one was letting him help. So he just stood there until the boat was ready.

"If only I have courage," Johnny said," then I'll be just like Mark. That is what I want."

After the boat was ready and they could go across, the big pieces of ice were a big problem.

"Look out for that and that big piece of ice!" one soldier shouted while shivering. The boat swayed to the left, to the right, and threw Johnny off the boat.

Splash! The water was freezing cold. "Help! I can't-" Johnny went down and came back up. " I can't swim!" Everyone was laughing now.

"What a loser!" Mark shouted so everyone could have heard him. Johnny finally made it to the boat and not one single person asked if he was okay. He just sat inside the boat trying to warm himself.

I hate being called a loser! Johnny thought.

On the way to Trenton, no one spoke a word. When the boat finally hit land, everyone was happy. For hours and hours, Johnny sat by the fire waiting for the other soldiers to arrive by boat. It was three in the morning when the soldiers stood up and began to march. Johnny was made last in line.

"Listen up soldiers!" George Washington shouted. Everyone stood straight and conversations began to fade slowly away. "There is still nine more miles before us." The soldiers groaned especially Johnny who doesn't want to march nine miles. "Stop it! We are soldiers, not weak little children!" Everyone stopped and listened. "Now let's march!"

It was daylight when Johnny could see Trenton and could rest for a while. He couldn't believe that he'd marched this far.

"When I say attack-" George Washington stopped to wait for the two soldiers to stop fooling around. They stopped and he continued, "When I say attack, attack!" Everyone nodded.

It was not long before George Washington yelled attack. Everyone charged into Trenton. The Germans were really surprised, Johnny hid behind a rock and peeked out occasionally. There was one time he peeked that he saw Mark Wiz got shot in the stomach. Someone was going to shoot him once more. Johnny didn't want to see someone die before his own eyes. Memories started to flash through his mind. If Mark died, who will tease him and keep him company? Immediately after that question, he rushed out there without thinking. He pointed his gun at the person who tried to shoot Mark and pulled the trigger.

BOOM! The bullet went straight to his heart and he can't believe that he'd killed someone. His hands were shaking when he pulled Mark to the rock where it's safe. He laid his gun leaning against the rock, tore his sleeve and tied it around Mark's stomach really tight. Johnny looked around, and realized that there wasn't any room for him to hide any more. That's when he knows he had to fight.

"You stay here Mark. Don't move or you might hurt yourself." After that, he went off. He was looking at the ground, seeing all those bloody people and feeling sorry for them. When he looked up, he saw someone on the other side is aiming at someone. He wondered whom he is aiming at. Then he found out that the gun is pointed straight at George Washington! Johnny knew that if he wants the commander alive, he'll have to think fast.

Well, here goes! Here is a chance to gain my courage, Johnny thought while running straight to George Washington.

"Look out!" Johnny screamed while tackling the surprised George Washington down to the ground. Johnny got shot on the arm while he was half way to the ground. Blood was dripping down his arm, but he don't care as long as their commander is not dead.

"Thank you," George Washington whispered while dusting dirt off his uniform. Then he ran off. Johnny felt good about what he did and have almost forgotten about his arm.

Soon enough, a small, white flag was raised slowly behind a rock. The Germans had surrendered! Johnny was filled with joy when he heard George Washington yelled, "Stop the fire!" Johnny can't believe that he had survived the battle. His joy was ready to explode. Then, behind the rock, Mark Wiz was struggling to get up to celebrate the victory. Johnny rushed behind the rock to help him.

"Thank you- thank you for saving my life," Mark said weakly while getting up. Johnny smiled.

Pretty soon, the soldiers were having a wonderful feast over the clothing and guns they have found. Suddenly, George Washington stood up.

"This toast," he said holding a cup of wine, "is for my good soldier, Johnny, who had saved my life. He might be the one who helped win the battle." Everyone stared at Johnny and cheered. Mark had recovered a little. He stood up also.

"Come on guys!" Mark yelled while he ran over to Johnny. "Pick this little hero up!" He came to Johnny and whispered, "I am sorry for everything." Johnny don't have time to reply because all the soldiers turned him upside down and threw him in the air. They all threw him around as if he were a beach ball. All Johnny could hear was cheering sounds. Johnny was touched. He had actually learned something from this battle. If you had courage, you could do anything.