Angelfire Sucks
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Angelfire Sucks

Why I hate Angelfire

My no more links

My No-more Homepage
My No-more Freebies page
My No-more playground
My No-more EVERYTHING page
A link to hell (just guess)

This is what happened to me:

I had a brilliant page that won lots of awards. Then one day, I couldn't log on to edit this page. i had sooo many cool ideas. "No big deal," I thought, "it happens all the time." Boy, was I wrong!!! I was relieved that I could log on the next day. Then I went to this BLANK web shell!!!! They just casually said, "I am sorry for your inconveniences. Just upload your pages again." Well, that's the thing I forgot to do. I did save my pages before, but that was before they got updated. Plus I didn't save the new ones I recently made. Also, I deleted many of the ones I saved thinking there's no use for them anymore. Boy was I wrong. You know how mad that makes me? All my time, hardwork, ends up in NOTHING!!! I've got over a thousand visitors too. My page may not be the best there is, but I have worked long and hard to reach this result.

For anyone who had a misfortune like this happen to them, it's not the end of the world....yet. You might have something still in your cache memory. Go here for more details.

Well, anyway, it will take a while before I will get back on my feet again. Stay tune. If you really have nothing to do, take a look at my guestbook before the system crashed. Why don't you sign it?

Sign my pathetic guestbook
View my pathetic guestbook

And if you want, take a look at my fragmented homepage that I saved a loong time ago. It's not as good as I had it a few days ago. I added JAVA and stuff to it.