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The Life and Works of Me, Myself, and I

Hi, my name is Tina, and I am your host during your stay here. Hopefully, that will be a loooong and worthwhile visit. My job here is to tell you all about me so that you would know...all about me (DUH!). So here it is, the totally personal side of me, the unabridged version of all about me (never revealed before)!

Even though I may not show it at times, I really love my family. I am the youngest of five daughters (not spoiled at all, of course), so therefore my daddy calls me "Number Five." (such a nice name, isn't it?) Here's a brief description of my family:
Daddy -- He's a very hardworking person who can do everything he sets out to. Our junk yard was beautified by his hard work through ways I couldn't believe. My daddy knows how to fix anything that's broken, of course. He enjoys being in the Jacuzzi and to swim for relaxation. Also, Taichi, a Chinese type of Kung-Fu, becomes part of his life. He is an expert at stock. He surfs the internet mostly for the stock prices. Because of his thorough research in searching for the best stock links on the web, I decided to share the wealth. If you are interested in stocks, especially ones in Hong Kong, go to my Hong Kong Page for that information--that is, after you read this page. There are also links to entertainment, that sort of thing.
Mommy -- She's a very loving, gentle, and caring mother. Very good sense of humor and a wonderful cook. (For me, the most I could do is Ramen noodles and microwavable food) Her interests include going to "drink tea" (lunch in Chinese restaurants) with her friends. She leads a very relaxing life whenever she doesn't have to take care of us -- she handled five of us, can you believe that?
Winny ("Number One") -- She used to work for Kodak (hopefully you have heard of that company....). I have no idea what she did there though. She graduated from her Chemical Engineering college of the University of Texas in the summer of 1997 with Honors. She worked in Rochester for two years and then moved back here. She is now back home (again), and she is getting an MBA at Rice University. Visit her Homepage -- there are pictures there for you to see.
Doris ("Number Two") -- She also attended the University of Texas at Austin. She graduated with an M.I.S. major in 98. She worked for Tokyo Electronics at Austin for a while and then she moved back home to work for a consulting company called Luminant Worldwide. Now she is ready to go back to school and get her masters. She loves to watch T.V.--even more than me. Surprise surprise!
Stella ("Number Three") AKA THE BATHROOM QUEEN -- No dirt or scum can survive in the bathroom with her here. She is also the nerd of the family. I am serious. I would say graduating Salutatorian of her class of 1996 in high school and getting thousands of dollars as scholarship is a pretty nerdy thing to do. She just graduated from the Business Honors Program in May 2000 atUT Austin with degrees in Business Honors, Finance, and Math.
Crystal ("Number Four") -- Very outgoing person with lots of guys after her. I am afraid to mention their names because if I do, I would not be living by the time you read this. . . She loves to play basketball and played tennis while in high school. She is also following in all my sisters' footsteps and going to UT. She is a Business major right now. During the fall semester of 2000, she will be studying abroad in Singapore. She's BATHROOM QUEEN NUMBER TWO.

I just recently graduated from John Foster Dulles High School in May 2000. I was on the school girls' tennis team playing in the Varsity division. Also, I played in the school orchestra for five years already, but I could not continue on for another year due to my overbooked schedule. :( By the way, I play the violin. I was a C-Xer in Debate during my freshman year. We travelled a lot, and that had been fun. Now I, too, will be attending the University of Texas. I will be entering the Business Honors Program in the fall. Go Longhorns! I must apologize for having such a bare website. I will be changing that soon. But for now, here is a picture of the CLASS OF 2000! (You can't see much, but it's better than nothing.)

My hobbies consist of greatly varied things. First of all, my true love has always been the computer (when they are working right) and the internet. Computer programming is really fun, and I enjoy it. But don't get me wrong... I am not a computer geek or anything! I just like there something wrong with that? I also like to e-mail people. However, lately I have been getting reeeaaally lazy at that. So if you have emailed me, please don't get mad if it takes me a while to reply. Another thing I like to do is sleep. It is a very relaxing thing and I enjoy it (doesn't everyone?). I just have to figure out how to sleep at the right time -- at night instead of morning. I also like to play Playstation. It's the bomb! Some other things I like to do is go out roller blading, play tennis, watch T.V., read . . . . It just goes on and on.

Places I have been to: Hong Kong (my home place), China, Taiwan (even though I can't remember...), Hawaii (beautiful place!), Texas, Canada (includes Ontario, Alberta, and Quebec), California, North Carolina, Arizona, Washington, D.C., and New York.

Whoa! If you got down here without skipping through all that boring stuff, then you are truly my best friend. But too bad, you cannot replace Viraj! Don't cry, you can be one of my best buddies! :) Anyway, thanks for reading all this stuff. You know so much about me but yet I have no idea who you are......why don't you tell me all about yourself by e-mailing me? Or you can sign my guestbook. Just go BACK to my homepage and click on sign. DO SOMETHING! Lemme know you came!!!!!!!

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