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Warning!!! This work here is by me, and me alone. It is 100% Copyrighted. If I find you stealing my ideas or work (I don't think anyone would want to do that anyway), you'll be sorry! For any reason you would want to duplicate, borrow, or use my work, please contact me! Or you can just drop me a comment. Have fun!

Poems I did

These are the poems I did in school. They aren't the best I can do because the main points of these are just getting it done and making it look good for the teacher. (Shhhh! Don't tell please! Most of them are so bad that it's embarrassing. Therefore, I only put out the ones I think someone would actually read and not laugh.

Lyric -- Why?

The world ended for me when you died.
You were always there for me,
No matter what it was.
Now you can never be there for me anymore,
Just like I cannot be there for you.
Oh, how I miss you!
Why did you have to die?
Why did you have to leave me behind?

The sun is rising beautifully.
But you are not watching it rise with me.
Why? Why? Why must you die?
When you died that day,
A big part of me died with you.
Why is life so unfair?
Life gave me happiness once.
Now it gives me sorrow. Why?

Love poem (eew!)

The moment I see you in the sun,
I know you are the one.
I know you are perfect for me
because of what I see:
A handsome face with a lovely gaze,
an everlasting smile so nice,
with weaknesses small as rice.
What more can there be
to make you the perfect guy for me?
If only I know your name,
but that is impossible just the same.
If only I see you again,
for I cannot bear the pain.
If only I hear your voice,
so sweet, unlike any noise . . . .
Please come out wherever you are,
For I am sure you are not afar.
My Prince Charming, my love,
Don't fly away like a dove.
I am here, waiting.
Come to me before my love starts fading.
I know you are perfect for me,
because of what I see . .

More.....coming soon!


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