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About Me

My name is Julie, & I was born & raised in Austin, Texas. My nicknames are: Jules (only close friends can call me that), Strawberry, Strawberry Muffin, Strawberry Shortcake, Red Roof...blah blah blah. Incase you don't know, I get my nicknames from: my hair is red, I'm short, and I LOVE strawberries! I am (Grad '99) attending Southwest Texas State University in interior design. I currently own a Web development & advertising design company called Red Element Design. I formerly worked as a gymnastics coach...which was fun. I have a twin sister named Jill and we may look alike, but we dont act alike. We were & are very close...she just moved to Denver, Colorado. Her and her boyfriend reside there. She is really interested in forensics, investigations, criminal justice, etc...fascinating stuff. For now until she finds something better, she is currently working as a casualties investigator for an insurance company.

My Hobbies:
Former gymnast, working out, watching: different sports, boxing, motorcycle racing, shooting guns (target shooting), racquetball, having fun, going dancing, doing things that relax me, going to movies or theatre/musical productions of some sort (& operas), hanging out with friends (relaxing at their place or mine), drawing/art drawing blueprints, the outdoors, taking joy rides on motorcycles (especially mine), on a clear night looking at the stars, & spending "quality time" with myself. I guess I have a wide-span of hobbies & interests. I'm mainly a dog person, although I've met some pretty cool cats. I like a wide variety of all kinds of different music. Movies that I like are pretty broad, but I'm not too partial to Leslie Neilson movies (major "slap-stick"). My favorite food is Chinese, but I am not too picky about what I eat, although I follow a "healthy" diet: don't drink sodas (haven't for over 7 years), don't eat sweets after 12noon, & I try not to eat 3 hours before I go to bed.

My Pet Peeves:
When someone takes a friendship/relationship too lightly, when a person pushes away, break promises, close minded people, one who doesnt take the time to get to truly know someone (or doesnt give them a fair chance), when someone says "I love you" & doesnt truely mean it from their heart, people who smack their gum non-stop, pompous controlling narcassistic materialistic selfish people, "cold" people, guilt trips, confusing people, work-aholics, don't like "soap operas" in my life, those who assume but don't try to find out for themselves, people who play games with people's minds and/or relationships, people who ignore or avoid others, not telling me what you think, hiding stuff from me (especially if it is stupid), liars, ungratefuls, flaky people, people who don't keep plans (or stand me up & dont even bother to call), "wishy-washy" people, disrespect, & people who "use" or take advantage of others.

About My Personality:
I am independent & I prefer those that are not co-dependent. I am BIG into communication. I am known for being blunt, & that is me.... I am honest & tell it like it is. ;-) I am a pretty strong woman: I have come a long way...& I won't let anyone walk all over me! Thus, I know what it's like to be hurt & I try my hardest not to hurt someone. If I'm dating or friends with someone, I like them enough to be loyal, honest/open, trustworthy, respect them, & not "get-rid-of" them for a lame reason...I usually don't give up easily on anything unless I know it's positively is bad for me (or won't work). My parents have been married 30 years, I learned from them to not give up easily unless there's no hope. I try to reflect my parents love, determination, communication, & committment in any/all of my relationships (friends & lovers). Even though I am independent, I really think friends & family are important. I treat my friends like family, not like "some person" off the street. I believe that other than ourselves: God, family, friends, & loved-ones are the one's that truly make us happy & life a little more complete. I am tired of getting hurt, & I want people to be true to me, get to know me, & want me for who I am inside, & to just have fun! I believe (& you can ask anyone who knows me) that I am a fun, loyal, nice, honest, down-to-earth, laid-back, giving, people person. I love the "little" (simple) things in life the most: someone calls to just say "hi", making others smile or feel good, a laugh from me doing something stupid or a joke I made, someone giving me something they made themselves by hand, giggling, relaxing cuddling with a best friend or lover to talk, play-around wrestling, riding my motorcycle on a beautiful day (& the rush of going fast), & a kiss (woohoo!). I am what you call a "tomboy" (so some say)...I have many interests that are guy-related. As well as I am not some giggly girl that wears pink frilly stuff & "freaks out" at the littlest dumb things. I am not into playing "high school games" anymore. I want people to be open in communication & not play ANY sort of games with me. I've gone through too much stuff in my life to sweat the small stuff like major jealousy, moaning & groaning about stupid things, or paranoia. If I (or anyone else) needs or is curious to know something, it's is simple to just ask & expect the truth. I may act tough on the outside sometimes, but ultimately I am soft on the inside. I enjoy making new friends & hanging out with the friends I have now. I like to make people in my life feel special, not like a number or a stranger.

This includes being a successful interior designer/interior architect (working with architects & builders designing new homes & doing historical renovation), to have a wonderful, loyal, loving, smart, fun, successful husband & father, have 2 beautiful wonderful kids: 1 boy & 1 girl, to strive all the time for self-improvement on my part (external & internal), to own my dream home that I designed myself, & for it to be on a good amount of land with a stream and/or body of water on it, & to just be happy, healthy, & prosperous!