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***Write to your congressmen and demand that Disney be fined everytime they refuse to release quality, imaginative entertainment like Return to Oz.***

If there's one thing you must do this summer, it's buy this DVD/videocasset.

Return To Oz with Anchor Bay this August

June 22, 1999

Anchor Bay Entertainment have just given us access to detailed information and the cover artwork of their upcoming release of the family classic Return To Oz. This film earned Claymation specialist Will Vinton his first Academy Award nomination and was directed by legendary film editor Walter Murch of "Apocalypse Now" and "The English Patient" fame. Coming to DVD on August 10, "Return To Oz" will contain the film's 1.85:1 widescreen version, as well as a fullscreen presentation. It will also contain an introduction by Fairuza Balk who plays Dorothy in the film, and an interview feature called "Fairuza Returns To Oz". The release will also come with the movie's theatrical trailer and a collectible "Oz" postcard, all wrapped up at a suggested retail price of $24.98. Please click on the image on the left for an enlarged look at the front and back of this release that will take you back to Emerald City on August 10.

Press release from DVD Review

"Return to the land where the adventure began."

Nearly 100 years ago, the magical land of Oz was created by famed storyteller L. Frank Baum. Now, in time for the Oz Centennial celebration, Anchor Bay Entertainment is releasing the motion picture Return to Oz [1985; ABE; LBX (1.85),PS; DD; PG; 109m; $24.98; 8/10]. "Oz" stars The Craft's Fairuza Balk (at age 11, in her feature debut), Nicol Williamson, Jean Marsh, and The Faculty's Piper Laurie. "Dorothy (Balk) is back at home in Kansas after her first escapade in the land of Oz and unable to convince anyone that her adventures truly happened. Concerned, Auntie Em (Laurie) takes Dorothy to the doctor, who plans to treat her with shock therapy. While trying to escape the therapy, Dorothy and her now talking pet chicken, Billina, are propelled by a lightening storm back to Oz. But things are not as she left them. The Emerald City is under the rule of the evil Princess Mombi, and the fiendish Nome King. The yellow brick road is broken, the City is a dirty slum and her friends, the Cowardly Lion and Tin Man have been turned to stone. Now, it's up to Dorothy and her new friends Tik Tok, a helpful robot, Jack, who has a pumpkin head, and Gump to save Oz." "Return to Oz" will include an introduction by, and 1999 interview with its star, Fairuza Balk, plus a collectible "Oz" postcard.

The VHS widescreen collector's edition is also to be released August 10 according to; there is also an aniversary editon. All the DVD and VHS formats contain Fairuza's introduction and interview.

Video capture of the DVD interactive menu Screen capture of the DVD chapter selection

DVD Chapter List/Video Clips

1. Fairuza Balk Introduction [:08] (Clip is 9 seconds)

2. Program Start / Message From Oz [7:57]

3. Shrink for Dorothy [7:06] (34 seconds)

4. "Would you like a ride?" [3:35]

5. The Escape [3:24]

6. "Where did Kansas go?" [6:25]

7. The Yellow Brick Road [1:38]

8. Beware the Wheelers [4:15]

9. Tik Tok Comes to Life [7:20]

10. Princess Mombi's Selection [5:47]

11. Dorothy's New Friend Jack [6:34]

12. Powder of Life [1:55]

13. Escape From Princess Mombi [9:02]

14. The Nome King's Mountain [5:35]

15. The Nome King's Sympathy [1:44] (33 seconds)

16. The Game [9:44]

17. Some Help From Tik Tok [5:01](12 seconds)

18. Scarecrow's Rescue [1:35]

19. The Nome King's Wrath [2:52]

20. Poison Egg [1:44]

21. Dorothy's Wish for Oz [3:35](24 seconds)

22. Queen Ozma Returns [2:20](44 seconds)

23. Dorothy Says Goodbye [5:36](22 seconds)

24. End Credits [4:38]

Unfortunately, the DVD does NOT contain any version of the theatrical trailer.

DVD Cover art design and details
Widesrceen Anniversary Editon cover art
The collectable postcard
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PLEASE READ the posted reviews so far--they WILL help you out before you buy!!!

Theatrical Trailer(plays in seconds)~Godbless you, Reid!~
'Fairuza Returns to Oz' Interview (text only)


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*This page is to be updated with more reviews from fans, and MPEG mutimedia clips from the movie itself*