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Backstreet Boys and Other Pop Singer Fanart

Just as I like N'Sync, I also listen to other English Pop singers. Here is where I store some of the fanart I've done of other English pop singer groups and artists. Mind you, this is not all I listen to-- I also listen to other things like Jpop/Jrock, RAP(Back that thang up yeah!!) and of course my all time favorite genre: R&B. I hope you all like this installment of fanart I did of these peoiple.

A Note to BSB, Brittney Spears, or another other celebrity I draw: Please do not take offense if I draw you incorrectly. I will try my best of you look decent....I'm not that good of a drawer after all.-_-

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Title: Britney Spears: E-Mail My Heart*NEW*
Size: 634 x 808 [154 KB]
Date of Completion: July 29, 1999
Comments: My very first Britney Spears fanart though the picture itself has little resemblence to her....I tried to make it look like her. Maybe the hair is the only thing that' somewhat Britney. Regardless of how the picture looks, I am very pleased with it. I figured out how to make the yellow hair "shine" like the brown/black/and other hair types with the bright highlights. In her hand is a the CD of Racheal Heartily, my made up Idol Pop singer who is about the same age as Britney. Anyhow, this picture is dedicated to all the Britney fans out there! Here's a new way to express fandom for her.^_^ Hope you enjoy!

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Title: Nick Carter: Poster Boy
Size: 638 x 812 [169 KB]
Date of Completion: July 7, 1999
Comments: Yet another Nick Carter fanart for my friend K-Chan and Steve. This one is a simple pic... it's just sorta like a mug shot of Nick. You know, one of those pin ups you can find in the store somewherre. I dunno..I just thought I should draw Nick since he's pretty easy to draw and I promise K-Chan and Steve I'd get a fanart by Monday. I guess I"m two days early ne? Anyhow, same old coloring but this one's just a little lighter. I hope you like it.

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Title: I'll Never Break Your Heart
Size: 638 x 812 [226 KB]
Date of Completion: July 7, 1999
Comments: Another Nick Carter fanart inspired by Backstreet Boy's "I'll Never Break Your Heart" song. This picture is a gift CG for my good friend K-Chan for doing me a HUGE favor in the multimedia section of my JC Chasez shrine. I'm VERY VERY pleased with this picture composition-wise and the colors aren't too bad. Actually, this picture isn't as "soft and dreamy" as most of my pics are. I might do most of my pics in this color style-- sorta like adding more form into the pic and having brighter colors. The girl in the pic doesn't have a name yet but I think I'll keep her in mind for future manga/doujinshi projects. I think she looks very cute with pigtails and red hair. This CG took about 5 hours or more to do, but it seemed like the process was a lot faster.

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Title: Just Nick Size: 605 x 838 [196 KB]
Date of Completion: June 1999
Comments: Another fanart of Nick Carter that I drew for K-chan, since she was asking for Nick fanart. This one isn't anything special. I was trying out the brown lines thing, and how to color shirts better. I think I did fairly well on the shirt, but I only wish I could have made the background better. I didn't know what else to put. The actual pose was taken from the 21 stars under 21 ad of which has a pic of him.

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Title: And I Need You Tonight
Size: 602 x 792 [190 KB]
Date of Completion:
Comments: My first fanart of a Backstreet Boy. This is of famous singer, and teen idol, Nick Carter in anime style as I portray him. I was inspired by his solo song "I Need You Tonight (Heaven In Your Eyes)" so I decided to draw him. My goal was to try and make him as bishounen as possible. I don't think I was success on this pic though as far as my goal is concerned... Anyhow, I found out that Nick likes to draw, so I was hoping to send him an anime picture of himself. I might do that later on. The process to finish this picture was pretty simple. I didn't do anything special with this one but tried to use the smudge tool more effectively, and work on using the "sparkles" for better composition. I also used the brown lines again to give it a soft, dreamy quality. This picture was not inked, so I directly colored it from a took me 4 to 5 hours to finish this picture believe it or not. Overall, I think this picture is pretty decent. I hope Nick will thinksso as well. This pic is dedicated to K-chan!

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*Reminder*: Please do not take pictures without permission. All fanart on this page is soley for fandom and is NOT intended for profit.