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My Christmas card I gave to others
Final Anime Oasis - Christmas Cards I've Received '98

Christmas '98, the second to last Christmas of this century. Hmmm... I couldn't open my presents tillt he 31st that year because, well, my relatives weren't coming to my place till the 31st and most of my Uncles, and Aunties were not off (the medical field demands people to work on holidays!-_-;). Anyhow, while waiting to open my presents, I received some beautiful Christmas cards from my fellow artists friends. Each card is unique in their own way, and I'd like to thank you guys for giving me these. I'm quite honored you remembered me.^_^

Christmas Cards from 1998^_^

[ Current ]

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From: Ari
17 KB
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From: Chika
116 KB
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From: DKartoon
103 KB
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From: Bela
25 KB
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From: Naska
65 KB
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From: Reika
80 KB

Thank You All VERY Much! God Bless!

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*Reminder*: ALL gifts here are given to me and may not be used AT ALL! Hey.. they were made for me and I want to keep it that way. Ain't I greedy?^_- Gitfs here may not be redistributed, altered, or used in anyother way but viewing. Thanks