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Anime Series Fan Art

Being a major part of my life now, I've dedicated this section to show my major obession over anime. Most of the fan art come from my favorite anime series, and this goes for my favorite video game characters as well. Although this place may not showcase the top notch fan art you see all over the web, I still hope you enjoy them!^_^

Click on the tubnail to see the full version of the picture. These pictures are specially sized for printing a sheet so feel free to print them out.

Warning: Images range between 90KB to 300 KB. Please be extra patient since file sizes are larger than usual due to the fact that they are specially arranged for printing out. After all, this isn't a text page so I guess you really can't expect images to load as fast as text. Also, some images are on my Geocities server, so these images may take awhile to load depending on how busy Geocities is.

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Title: Time Will Tell: Mana *New*
Size: 614 x 821 [137 KB]
Date of Completion: November 15, 1999
Comments: Another fanart for Chika-sama's Music Box. I love the manga. It inspires me to do my own manga soon. This picture of Mana, was drawn because I wanted to draw a character that there wasn't a lot of fanart. This picture has special care on the hair, and more shading on the skin. I want to give it the Reni glow you find in paintings. Over all, this picture is pretty good. I took about 5 or so hours to do.

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Title: Childhood Friends
Size: 638 x 844 [255 KB]
Date of Completion: March 16, 1999
Comments: This fanart is dedicated to my friend Chika. I drew two of her main characters from her online manga "Music Box". I meant to do a picture of Yu-ki, since he is most likely going to be my favorite character because of the way he looks, but I decided to draw Kei, and Ayame. I wasn't sure if they are going to be a couple in the manga, so I just drew a picture of them in a casual look as if they were posing for a camera in a insanely colorful dropback. Some new things that I learned from this piece is the use of texture. The blue shirt Kei is wearing is actually a texture scaned from my OWN shirt. The yellow shirt he's wearing under was made using the texture tool. Hopefully, this addition of texture to clothing gives more depth and contrast to the picture. I also experiments with cosmetics-_-;; I actually added some lipstick to Ayame.... don't ask me why....I just felt like it-_-;; Over all, i think I got something out of this pic^_^ I hope you like this fanart Chika-sama!

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Title: Childhood Friends*New*
Size: 638 x 844 [255 KB]
Date of Completion: March 16, 1999
Comments: This fanart is dedicated to my friend Chika. I drew two of her main characters from her online manga "Music Box". I meant to do a picture of Yu-ki, since he is most likely going to be my favorite character because of the way he looks, but I decided to draw Kei, and Ayame. I wasn't sure if they are going to be a couple in the manga, so I just drew a picture of them in a casual look as if they were posing for a camera in a insanely colorful dropback. Some new things that I learned from this piece is the use of texture. The blue shirt Kei is wearing is actually a texture scaned from my OWN shirt. The yellow shirt he's wearing under was made using the texture tool. Hopefully, this addition of texture to clothing gives more depth and contrast to the picture. I also experiments with cosmetics-_-;; I actually added some lipstick to Ayame.... don't ask me why....I just felt like it-_-;; Over all, i think I got something out of this pic^_^ I hope you like this fanart Chika-sama!

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Title: The Sweet Scent of a Girl's Hair * Joint Pic with Grace Morales*
Size: 600 x 753[153 KB]
Date of Completion: January, 1999
Comments: As you may have noticed, I have worked the great SilverChik on several joint pics. Most of them are brilliantly colored and CGed by her!^_^ This is the lastest installment featuring Ami Mizuno and Touma Hashiba from Bishoujo Senshi: Sailor Moon, and Yoroiden Samurai Troopers. I drew and inked the pic while SilverChik made it come to life with the VERY romantic atmosphere created by the coloring and effects. Why did a draw them as a couple? Well... let's just say they'd be perfect with each other. Look at the two: both intellects, both gentle, and both lonely. Anyhow, I really LOVE the way this pic turned out. The coloring in my opinion, is the best part of this image which was CGed in Painter and Photoshop 5. Thank you very much Grace! Please visit SilverChik and see her page in my links section.^_^

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Title: Arimi Suzuki
Size: 597 x 791[263 KB]
Date of Completion: November 21, 1998
Comments: Probably the ONLY fanart of Arimi Suzuki from Marmalade Boy, this was just one fanart of my Marmalade Boy series of fanarts. Since not many artist, draw Marmalade Boy characters, I've decided to take the initiative to do them myself. This one was colored using Photoshop, and the background was taken from a site that had cherry blossom pics. I tried my new way of coloring eyes and I believe I'll keep this technique. As for the subject matter of using Arimi, I think she's designed pretty well as far as character, and apperence. You have to watch MB if you haven't already to see what I mean. Overall, I'm happy with this pic. Perhaps more and more MB fanart will show up here (hopefully). I wish some of the fanartist out their take MB character for consider when doing fanart...

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Title: Fiona Forever
Size: 576 x 790 [232 KB]
Date of Completion: July 30, 1998
Comments: Fiona Fanart really isn't from an anime series, but she's the beloved mascot of the Fan Art HQ. I submitted this fan art there hoping I might get pic of the week. There was talk of her being replaced by a new mascot and that really made me upset since she's already developed and has a wide following of fans. I'm glad that Mr. Eisu didn't replace her. This was done on PSP, and saved on Photoshop to TRY and keep the file size down.

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Title: Touma Hashiba
Size: 576 x 744 [270 KB]
Date of Completion: July 29, 1998
Comments: My role model, and favorite male anime character, Touma Hashiba from Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warrior's 'Rowen'). I did this piece hoping to promote more Samurai Trooper fan art and to start a following of him. As you can see, I'm into the 'portrait' layout as far as my composition within my pictures is concerned. You'll probably see a lot of this type of layout with the character's face, and a full body pic of him or her to the side. I did this using PSP4. I couldn't figure out a background for awhile so I finally just gave in and did some abstract background.

Note: This picture will move to the Idol Section of my page later once I get more pictures of my idols done.^_^;;

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Title: Passing Period
Size: 496 x 792 [138 KB]
Date of Completion: August 14, 1998
Comments: This is a fan art I did for the super cool shoujo impromanga "Queen of Clubs". I love this impromanga, and in my humble opinion, I think it's the best one! I only wish I could have taken a part of it but oh well... there might be some shoujo manga like it next time. Anyhow, it's a pic of Hikari and Mika during passing period. This CG took awhile due to my summer homework WHICH my teacher never took up on the first day (argh! I did all the work and had such stress for nothing). I scaned at 300 resolution this time, but reduced it to 200 resolution. It think 200 resolution preserves more 'cleaner' lines and edges than 150 resolution. I couldn't figure out a background for this at first so finally I did a small locker background which I had to draw on the computer with a mouse...-_-;; Also, you may have noticed the way I did the hair. I just incorporated this from Medina Zahara to commerate this person's orignal work QoC.

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*Reminder*: All characters on this page are copyrighted by their respective companies. All rights reserved. Please notify me before using my fan art. Also, read the disclaimers for further information on copyrights, what you can, and can NOT do with my work, etc.