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Final Fantasy Fanime

To show my extreme gratitude to Squaresoft's masterpiece, I've dedicated this part to it's vast characters. Although this place is just a speck of nothing I'll try my best to show how MUCH I appreciate Squaresoft.

Click on the tubnail to see the full version of the picture. These pictures are specially sized for printing a sheet so feel free to print them out.

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Title: Secret Meeting
Size: 576 x 730 [160 KB]
Date of Completion: August 11, 1998
Comments: Another Final Fantasy Tactics fan art. This one is of the couple, Delita Hyral, and Princess Ovelia. I liked FFTactics so much that I'll probably do a lot of fan art from there. There's not special with this pic but it does portray a scene from the game. This is where Delita and Ovelia meet and talk and come to realize they have a lot in common.... which leads to them falling in love later on^_^. Awww. I scaned at 150 again but I can see the smoothness of lines are sacrificed. This is the only way I can get cel work done faster... I'll try to scan pics at 300 once and awhile for better quality. The BG was taken from some Church book.

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Title: People: Algus Normality
Size: 576 x 763 [153 KB]
Date of Completion: August 6, 1998
Comments: A picture of Algus from Final Fantasy Tactics in normal modern clothing. This pic was done for Emily Gregg to return the gift favor she did for me. I wasn't sure how to go about this picture since she said have him doing something and so... I figured I should make him look handsome or super bishounen. I think I got the point across when I got him in this starring at you pose. Thanks to Dustin for making the back ground for me. I was quite surpised that this pic didn't take more than 2 or so hours to render due to me scanning at a lower resolution. Maybe I'll produce more pics for now on. One more thing, this is the first time I drew an existing character with different clothing on rather than their usual attire. It's kinda ironic for Algus to wear modern clothing like this back then.

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Title: Pray
Size: 576 x 774 [128 KB]
Date of Completion: August 5, 1998
Comments: Another picture of my favorite FF girl, Aerith~! This was done quicker than I though since I scanned it at 150 grey scale, then converted it to black and white. This reduced the image size, which made it easier to use the fill tool. I practiced using the glowing edges effect again, but it took me awhile to do since I had to make several copies of the image in order to get the glowing edges right. The background comes from a CG drawing that Squaresoft did. I feel that I've improved on drawing Aerith, unlike the other two drawings below which look really bad.

Note: This picture is currently being used as my title image for the Aerith Fan Club.

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Title: Treasure Hunter Locke Cole
Size: 576 x 774 [127 KB]
Date of Completion: August 4, 1998
Comments: Man it seems I'm switching from FF7 to FF6 fan art. This piece is part of my 'Final Bishounen' collection which also includes Edgar Figaro, and Izlude Tingel. Those can be found further down this page. Nothing new with this piece. I just try to make my lines a lot more cleaner. Actually, this was a drawing I did back in March this year. I finally got the chance to render it on the computer using PSP5.

Note: This picture is currently being used as my title image.

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Title: One Love One Destiny
Size: 580 x 771 [179 KB]
Date of Completion: July 23, 1998
Comments: I drew this pic about 3 months ago and finally got to finish it. I finally learned to do the glow effect through a Aniartists at the Fan Art HQ. Thanks a lot by the way. It's Cloud and Aeris sharing a 'close' moment. I guess you all know exactly how I feel for Cloud and Aeris. I'm proud this picture since I learned something new and the comosition isn't too bad.

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Title: Final Artist
Size: 504 x 789 [179 KB]
Date of Completion: July 16, 1998
Comments: Aww... the adorable Relm Arrowny from from Final Fantasy 6. I decided to draw her after seeing that there's still not a lot of fan art from FF6. But I've also noticed by this time that the FF7 hype is slowly dying down and you're now seeing FF8 stuff pop up. Oh well, I guess it comes to show that if you're a true fan of the FF series you won't forget the classic characters. This one was done with PSP4, and isn't too detail. (no background) Actually, I'm using this as my entrance pic but you can use it as a T-Shirt transfer since it's a fairly large, not too detailed pic.

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Title: Final Voice
Size: 575 x 791 [233 KB]
Date of Completion: June 15, 1998
Comments: This picture was specially made for Grace, owner of SilverChik's Anime Spot, commemorating her site's 5000 hits. Like I said before, I don't see that many fan arts dedicated to FF6 characters so I drew this pic to show that these characters are still alive and should still be praised. I meant to make this a CD cover for my FF character monologues but I changed my mind and sent it to Grace since I think it fits her site's J-Pop theme more. But then again, Celes really isn't the type that would sing on a voluntary basis so she's in a weird position here. I didn't use layers for this one which made it more difficult to render.

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Title: Playboy Grin
Size: 576 x 775 [215 KB]
Date of Completion: June 4, 1998
Comments: I tried a new way of doing the eyes. Actually, it's just adding a dark outline then again a lighter glow in the middle. I felt that my eyes were to 'plain' and need more emphasis. I received a fairly decent (good?) product although, as always, it took me forever to paint the piece. I wanted to do a airbrush effect on the pendent but I chickened out on it. I draw this while thinking about how MUCH the old FF characters are often overshadowed by FF7.

Title: Within His Body
Size: 576 x 760 [230 KB]
Date of Completion: May 24, 1998
Comments: My first fan art on Cloud Strife. This pic was requested awhile back from someone. No, I don't do any more requests now but I might later on. Anyways I did the cel effect again by drawing Cloud's face first, then his full body on another sheet of paper. This one took longer than I anticipated. Overall, I like this picture since my work's getting more detailed. I hope this pic doesn't offend anyone since it has Cloud showing his chest and a full body of him with nothing but his underwear!-_-;;

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Title: Bishounen Izlude Tingel
Size: 576 x 783 [143 KB]
Date of Completion: May 16, 1998
Comments: It's Izlude Tingel from Final Fantasy Tactics! I drew this picture for Emily Gregg and the Izlude Fan Club. I'm pretty satisfied with this piece since I'm working toward this style when it comes to drawing anime guys. I'm getting the hang of things with the layer and background stuff. My goal for this pic was to be as detailed in color while preserving it's simplicity. I think I achieved my goal on this pic.

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Title: Touch My Heart
Size: 438 x 576 [143 KB]
Date of Completion: May 10, 1998
Comments: This was my first time using three layers. It may not be a big deal but this program is kind of hard to learn so I feel I'm improving a lot. Aeris in this picture is in one of those traditional 'cherry blossom' scenes where she's looking away from Cloud while the cherry blossoms fly around her. I guess she's in pose where you're in Cloud's position looking at her smiling and being mesmerized by her beauty. I feel that I spent too much time on this one because it took a week to color her! Not to mention that she kinda looks 'awkward'...

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Title: The Meaning of Spring
Size: 500 x 571 [115 KB]
Date of Completion: May 1, 1998
Comments: Ah! My VERY first *serious* Aeris CG and not to mention my first time using Paint Shop Pro. I think this piece shows the big jump from simplistic (in coloring, not drawing). There's a lot more detail in the coloring from my previous works. I also tried layering for the first time and got a pretty decent background.

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*Reminder*: All characters on this page are copyrighted by Squaresoft. All rights reserved. Please notify me before using my fan art. Also, read the disclaimers for further information on copyrights, what you can, and can't do with my work, etc.