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Gifts - From Me

I suppose these 'pieces' can me called gifts to others. I wish I had time to do a lot more because I have a lot of people that deserve a show of my thanks. I do most of these for showing my appreciate, or sometimes for no motive really. In anycase, I'd like to show what I've given out so far.

Gift Archieves

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To: All the Artist Friends the Received it!
Size: 643 x 562 [233 KB]
Date of Presentation: Easter '98
Comments: An Easter I made using MS-Paint... yeah.. I use to use such a 'basic' program for CGs, not to mention hard to use. It's got the main character of my upcoming manga, "Platonic". He's even wearing the same T-Shirt that I like....hmm.. I wonder why there's such a close relation in how he dresses?^^;; Anyways, this is probably my very early works with CGs do don't expect it to be decent.

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To: Emily Gregg of A Very (VERY) Pathetic Webpage
Size: 576 x 688 [233 KB]
Date of Presentation: June 25, 1998
Comments: This picture was originally from a piece in my original artwork section. I decided to give this pic to Emiko-chan just for being such a good friend to me and she's done a lot of favors. I know I probably can't repay her but I want to show her how much I appreciate what she's done for me.

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To: Grace of SilverChik's Anime Spot!
Size: 312 x 430 [108 KB]
Date of Presentation: When her page reached 5000 hits?
Comments: Here's a pic of Celes from FF6(FF3 US) that I gave to Grace for her site's 5000 hits. I have a larger version on my Final Fantasy Fan Art gallery. It's not much but I hoped she liked it. It was sort of an exchange gift for the Rosa CG she gave me.

More to come soon... hopefully...

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*Reminder*: ALL gifts here may not be used at all unless the gift was given to you. What would be the point for a gift that everyone can take? I suppose there are some out there but if the gift isn't give to you, don't take it. Thanks^_^