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Gifts - That Were Given to ME!

Here's a display of the gifts I've received from VERY kind people. I value these works of art more than I value mine. I only wish I can do the same for the people who took the time to make these gifts. Enjoy these pieces that were given to me on special occasions that my page has gone through.

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Gifts from Cool People^_^

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From: Aiko*NEW*
Size: 536 x 483 [149 KB]
Date Received: June 29, 1998
Comments: I really love this gift for my page's 3000 thousand hits. She drew a picture of me, and her! Aww... I feel good that someone would do that and she's even drawn me in my favorite red Chaps T-Shirt. Also, she even calls me "Kuya" what respect.... it's like being called "sama" in Japanese. Now only if my younger brother and sister would call me that.... Well, thanks a lot Aiko-chan!

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From: Willy Hwang *NEW*
Size: 167 x 392 [43.1 KB]
Date Received: Sometime ealier this year...-_-;;
Comments: Actually, this was my VERY first gift I've received from the internet. It's given to me by Aiko, who seems to remember special occasions that go on my site. As you can see, it's a pic of Vincent. Pretty cool huh?

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From: SilverChik
Size: 709 x 795 [107 KB]
Date Received: June 22, 1998
Comments: WAAAHHHHH!!! Isn't Rosa Farrel, from Final Fantasy 4(FF2 US) beautiful?! I love the way SilverChik does her airbrush style. Now only if I could do that too... anyways, she gave this to me when I had asked if she could draw an FF character other than any FF7 character and so here comes Rosa. After all, FF4 rulz over all the FF series (yeah even FF7!). Thanks a lot Grace!

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From: Expresso
Size: 342 x 419 [65 KB]
Date Received: July 20, 1998
Comments: I loved the way this one was rendered! I also liked the lettering on it. VERY stylish and I'm glad I got another counter gift for my page's 4000 hits. Such kind people make me want to draw more so I guess that's why I'm still sitting in front of the computer even if it's past 2AM! Anyhow, thanks a lot for the nice CG counter gift Expresso! I thought I wasn't going to get one for 4000 hits but...^_^

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From: Emiko
Size: 400 x 394 [56.5 KB]
Date Received: August 2, 1998
Comments: From Emiko comes my idol, and role model Kei Tsuchiya of Marmalade Boy. There's not that much fan art of Marmalade Boy and I was hoping to promote some on the Net by asking people to do pics of Kei, or the other MB characters and send it to me. Thank you Emiko for the lovely Kei pic. I especially like the way you did the rendering! VERY detailed, yet it still has the anime look^_^. I hope to return the favor soon with the Algus pic okay.

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From: Aeka
Size: 295 x 288 [30 KB]
Date Received: August 5, 1998
Comments: From my friend Aeka, of Aeka's Mindless Stuff comes a Birthday Day card! Since I'm turning 16 on August 7 this is a little early but none the less, VERY kinda of Aeka to give me something. At least someone remembers my b-day....^_^;;

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From: Nico
Size: 571 x 751 [250 KB]
Date Received: August 6, 1998
Comments: Awww... another birthday gift from another kind person who remembers my birthday. This one is one of my favorites because it has my three idols/role models from Anime: Kei Tsuchiya, Ami Mizuno, and Touma Hashiba~! Isn't Nico so kind to draw me such a beatiful CG? Sure she is!! I need to return the favor someday though. Thank you VERY much Nico!

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From: Rika
Size: 218 x 250 [17 KB]
Date Received: August 7, 1998
Comments: Yet another birthday gift from a good internet friend of mine. Thank you Rika for drawing Aerith for me. It really brightens my day.^_^

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From: Shadow-sensei
Size: 700 x 600 [92 KB]
Date Received: August 7, 1998
Comments: From my Japanese sensei, and good internet friend Shadow! Thank you for doing this CG for me. I'm glad people like you remember my birthday. It sure was boring here since I didn't have a party this year. I did go out with some friends so that was cool.

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From: Aiko
Size: 441 x 647 [63.6 KB]
Date Received: August 7, 1998
Comments: Yet another gift from Aiko! Thank you for this and all the gifts you've given me in the past. It seems that you're one of the few visitors that I get to remember special days that mean a whole lot to me.^_^

More to come soon... hopefully...

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*Reminder*: ALL gifts here are given to me and may not be used AT ALL! Hey.. they were made for me and I want to keep it that way. Ain't I greedy?^_- Gitfs her may not be redistributed, altered, or used in anyother way but viewing. Thanks