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Old SDs from '97

As you can see from the SDs below, I've changed the way I do them now. I didn't have the heart to throw away these even though they are poorly done. Anyhow, I hope you can still enjoy them. They kinda look cute with oversized heads that take up half the body.

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Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy 4. He's in SD form and it was hard to get his costume somewhat accurate.

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The cute Porom from FF4 in SD form. As you can see, I was into SDs back then. This was my second CG attempt.

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My FIRST CG ever! It's Palom from FF4 looking grumpy in SD form. This one was done on MSPaint after looking at all those great CG artists on the net. I decided to experiement with this paint program and it lead me to doing CGs more till this day. I use to hate CGs and felt that art by hand was more skillful work till I realized how hard it is to draw on the computer with a mouse!

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Rosa Farrel, one of my favorite FF gals of all time in SD form. Not much fanart of her on the net that I've seen.

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The little summoner from FF4 Rydia in SD form!^_^ She's on of my favorite characters as well.

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The Kawaii Relm from FF6! I used this SD pic of her for my old art page sub menu.

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I didn't like how Terra turned out in SD form. There wasn't an accurate pic of her so I basically did my own character design. Later on I found out that she doesn't wear a short white mini skirt. Oh well, I tried at least to promote more FFf6 art..

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Locke Cole from FF6. This is probably my favorite SD pic. It was also the hardest to make look right and paint..

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Seeing all the FF7 fan art back then I felt I was obligated to do some. Tifa Lockheart, in SD form.

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Rufus in SD form! I drew this dude for Aqua Chan's Rufus and the Turks Club.

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Aww... it's Aeris from FF7. She's by far my favorite FF female character. I only wish she didn't.. oh nevermind.

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I love the way I did the pose for this one. After watching my Uncle play Bio Hazard I thought it had some cool characters. It would rock if Capcom decided to make an OAV series of it. Jill Valentine, in SD form.

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*Reminder*: Please note that these are my older artwork and are really 'crappy' looking. I just put these up because I didn't have the heart to completely get rid of them. Do not take or use them because I don't really want people seeing me as producing this stuff.-_-;;