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RPG Fan Art

With my obession over RPGs, I've dedicated this page for fan art from my favorite RPGs and some that I feel need more fan art on. Most of this page will consists of Breath of Fire, Secret of Mana, and Suikoden with other RPGs here and there.

Click on the tubnail to see the full version of the picture. These pictures are specially sized for printing a sheet so feel free to print them out.

Warning: Images range between 90KB to 300 KB. Please be extra patient since file sizes are larger than usual due to the fact that they are specially arranged for printing out. After all, this isn't a text page so I guess you really can't expect images to load as fast as text. Also, some images are on my Geocities server, so these images may take awhile to load depending on how busy Geocities is.

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Title: Mia Ausa*NEW*
Size: 575 x 795 [246 KB]
Date of Completion: August 19, 1999
Comments: A non CG picture. It's been awhile since I did one of these pics. I did this picture during my first day in AP Art. I didn't know what else to do and I was quite bored to begin with. This is of Mia Ausa, one of my favorites off of Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete. As you can see, the hair is done in color pencils and then I went back and did the clothing and bg with watercolor. Shoujo manga actually inspired me to do non CG art since most of the art covers are done in water color and is usually not CG. Over all, I'm very happy with this picture. The eyes remind me of my usual CG attempts. The texture that the color pencil adds gives it a nice organic quality./P>

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Title: Saria
Size: 575 x 795 [246 KB]
Date of Completion: February 2, 1999
Comments: Another Zelda fanart. I STILL haven't played the game.... anyhow, this is a cute pic of Saria, Link's childhood friend. I used this piece to experiement on texture and mixing cel style with airbrush. Actually, I'm quite happy with the outcome of this pic. I think everything balances out. I know I could be neater with the lines, but mind you, I don't have a wacom to fix the ink job on the computer. This CG was colored on Photoshop 4 and the text was added with PSP5. I think this'll be enough to contribute to the Zelda fanart which is now increasing in number on the net. I hope you like this pic even though it is A HUGE file.... the cel coloring style makes it such a huge pic. Also, the loading may take VERY long because of the Angelfire account.... it seems to be busy all the time. In that case, the pic may only load up half of it and the rest would be a block of black. If that should happen, just reload again at a later time.^_^;

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Title: My Bodyguard: Link and Zelda
Size: 592 x 821 [287 KB]
Date of Completion: January 4, 1999
Comments: Let's see.... I haven't updated for about two months or so, and this is what I come up with now. This is change of style for me if you've noticed the more emphasis on the hair. As you can see, I made Link and Zelda more "sharp" in look with the somewhat crisper lines. I know I could do better in time, but I'm pretty proud of this pic. Although... it took me about a week to finish! Perhaps my main coloring style is cel-style coloring. Hopefully this picture, which was done on Photoshop Version 5, will reflect my improvement in my style (if there's any-_-;). The only drawback in this pic is the NASTY 'color blobs' that were made when I compressed the image to JPG! Even at a high file size, it still has some blob marks. Geez...makes me kinda upset.

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Title: Touch my Heart II
Size: 554 x 719 [228 KB]
Date of Completion: January 3, 1999
Comments: Another fanart of Nina from BoF3. This one's a collaboration picture with the great Saka. I'm pretty sure you've heard of Saka. Saka does some of the best cel style coloring around. Now about the pic...umm... this was just a quick picture of Nina. I wanted to draw Ryu, but I failed and instead, drew here in a pose I just scribbled on. I inked it, and asked Saka if she could CG it. I'm glad Saka agreed to it. Overall, I like this picture VERY much.^_^ The coloring is great ne?

Note: A collaboration picture with the great Saka^_^.

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Title: My Fate...My Destiny
Size: 554 x 719 [228 KB]
Date of Completion: July 27, 1998
Comments: A picture of Nina, from Breath of Fire 3. Nina's always been my favorite character in the entried BOF series and here's a pic of her accepting her fate. Actually, I was quite upset that she just became an angel without some type of plot like the other two previous Breath of Fire games. I wished Capcom inserted some type of explination for Nina growing wings in BOF3. Because of the plot, I decided to create my own image of Nina in BOF3 as she accepts her fate and later adjusts to it.(She wasn't really happy in BOF2 about her being an angel). I learned a new thing effect, the glowing edges which I feel is one big step to making my stuff more 'interesting'.

Note: I sent this picture in to PSM(Playstation Magazine) in hopes of having it posted in the fan art section.

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Title: Katt Mug Shot
Size: 500 x 792 [141 KB]
Date of Completion: August 10, 1998
Comments: Just a cheap CG mug shot of Katt from BOF2. I did this as a gift CG for Aiko though, which I wish I could have done better. I was pressed for time since school's starting three days from now and I haven't done any of my summer homework. Again, I scanned at 150 res which made the filling a lot faster than scanning at res 300. Although the only drawback is the less smooth thick outline... Surprisingly, as simple as this picture may be, I learned to use the Flare Lense effect. You might see more of that later on if I decide to use it more (it's so overly used in other fan art around the Net).

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*Reminder*: All characters on this page are copyrighted by their respective companies. All rights reserved. Please notify me before using my fan art. Also, read the disclaimers for further information on copyrights, what you can, and can NOT do with my work, etc.