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These are pictures that I probably don't intend to finish and were done from pure boredom. Some of these images may contribute to a working picture later on. Hope you enjoy these sketches... they're not that great but you can see how I draw by looking closely at them. I draw VERY sloppy.

Click on the tubnail to see the full version of the picture. These pictures are specially sized for printing a sheet so feel free to print them out. Also, please tell me what pics you like on the guestbook if you have time. State the title, and what you liked about it. I always want feedback on my pics.

Warning: Images range between 90KB to 300 KB. Please be extra patient since file sizes are larger than usual due to the fact that they are specially arranged for printing out. After all, this isn't a text page so I guess you really can't expect images to load as fast as text. Also, most of the images on here are on my Geocities account and therefore it may take awhile to load due to the busy server.

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Title: Ray Wilson Protrait Sketch #1*NEW*
Size:638 x 831 [116 KB]
Date of Completion: December 25, 1998
Comments: This is of character portrait of Ray Wilson. I liked how his hair turned out in this one after inking. This shows how my "New" style will have MAJOR emphisis on the hair and the eyes. I also used screentoning for his clothing. Another character for Rthymic Emotion.

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Title: Megan Williams Protrait Sketch #1*NEW*
Size: 583 x 750 [57 KB]
Date of Completion: December 21, 1998
Comments: A portrait sketch of Megan Williams, the best friend of Kera, the main heroine of my upcoming shoujo manga, "Rthymic Emotion." I'm still having trouble deciding on her hair color, but for not, I'll keep it blue. Any suggestions would be appreciated.^_^ From the way I made her personality, I think she will probably be my favorite character from the series.

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Title: Kent Anderson Protrait Sketch #1*NEW*
Size: 583 x 750 [60 KB]
Date of Completion: December 21, 1998
Comments: This isn't the best sketch of his face but it will have to do for now. This is of Kent, the leading male role in "Rthymic Emotion." He's suppose to be the school's star quaterback. More details of his personality will be relieved once I get the plot down on a firm base.

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Title: Kent Anderson Mid Body Sketch*NEW*
Size: 517 x 750 [34 KB]
Date of Completion: December 21, 1998
Comments: Another sketch of the dreamy football player, Kent Anderson. I'm trying to draw him as bishounen as possible, but also keeping the masculine features. Perhaps I should give him bigger, and more defined muscles. Ladies, please send comments about him. I'd like to recieve some feedback on how to make him look "dreamy" since his appearence is aimmed at a female audience.

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Title: Kera Hazelwood Sketch#1*NEW*
Size: 583 x 750 [60 KB]
Date of Completion: December 21, 1998
Comments: The heroine of my upcoming shoujo manga series, "Rthymic Emotion." This is still a rough charcter design on how she will look. I'm pleased with how I drew the hair, but I want to fix her eyes, and her glasses more. My main goal to her appearence was to give her a sweet, naive, and innocent look. I hope I captured that on her.

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Title: Troy Aikman*NEW*
Size: 563 x 750 [72 KB]
Date of Completion: December 10, 1998
Comments: Yes! I finally got someone's face to somewhat look like them!^_^; This is of the Cowboys quaterback Troy Aikman (duh-_-;). I did have some help with my art teacher on this however. After she talked to me about doing faces, I took her words of wisdom more seriously: draw WHAT YOU SEE, not what YOU KNOW. You see, I've been in denial about drawing what I know, rather than what I see. Perhaps that is why my portraits look more stylize. The shading on this one is a lot better as well since I picked up a better number two pencil. Sadly, I may not be able to draw something like this for a long time.....I think I just got lucky to get his shapes down.

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Title: Larry Lovett*NEW*
Size: 532 x 750 [44 KB]
Date of Completion: November 23, 1998
Comments: This is another attempt at drawing a realistic pic of my high school's quarterback, Larry Lovett. I think I'm getting a lot better at drawing faces. My teacher told me that my problem was that I stylize my realistic pics. An example would be the eyes, and how the face is formed. However, after hours, and I mean HOURS of sketching, I finally got his face down.....decently. I know he probably looks a little thing, but oh well. I really don't know Larry anyway... I just hope he doesn't kill me for drawing him.-_-;;

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Title: Patrick Anderson
Size: 542 x 792 [61 KB]
Date of Completion: November 12, 1998
Comments: Probably my best sketch of the following four, this is of a senior foot ball player. I actually got his face pretty accurately, and my shading is acceptable to decency. I know I need to practice more on portraits, even though my main focus is anime. Actually, it's kinda fun drawing people in realistic form. My art teacher says that anime is a great style, but if you want to get a job out there, you've got to learn to draw other things; one of these things is realism which I'm kinda get the hang of.

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E-mail:Richard Abril
*Reminder*: All characters on this page are copyrighted by Richard Abril. Please notify me before using my art. Also, read the disclaimers for further information on copyrights, what you can, and can't do with my work, etc.