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101st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company "C"
101st Pennsylvania VETERAN Volunteer Infantry Company "C" -- THE PLYMOUTH PILGRIMS

Music "The Dying Soldier" written 1861

ADAM KLINK - Private, Co. C. Born 1820 in Wurtemburg, Germany son of Johannes & Anna Walter Klenck. Adam came to America in 1849 with his brother John. The rest of the family stayed in Germany, with the exception of a sister, Magdelena, who came in 1859. Enlisted 6 Sept `61 at Big Beaver Twp, Lawrence Co., PA. Adam was a 42 year old Coal Miner from Lawrence Co., PA. Mustered in 21 Nov `61. Re-enlisted 1 Jan `64. Captured 20 April `64 at Plymouth, NC. Died of debilitation & starvation 13 July 1864 at Andersonville, GA. Grave # 3265.

ADAM'S Civil War Records

Detachment and Muster Out Roll Dated December 31, 1863

Surviving his first three years of service, Adam was officially discharged, only to rejoin. Adam surely knew that his brother, John, had been wounded, imprisoned, exchanged and sent home on a surgeon's certificate. Perhaps he decided to reenlist for them both. As far as we know, Adam never married and had no wife or family to return home to.

Reenlistment at Plymouth, NC on January 1, 1864.

Mustered in as 101st PA Veteran Volunteer at Plymouth, NC

Prisoner of War Record
"Died in a rebel prison at Andersonville, GA."

Memorandum from Prisoner of War Records

Click here to see: JOHN KLINK's Story

The Battle of Plymouth, NC

A FINAL ACT OF COURAGE. "It was defended with the most heroic bravery, every one of its 1,700 defenders proving himself to be a hero; and though outnumbered five to one, those men kept the enemy at bay from Sunday until Wednesday noon, killing and wounding more of his men than they numbered all told when attacked..."

The Civil War "Plymouth Pilgrims"....who were they?

ADAM KLINK became part of this elite group of men who were to suffer great hardships in the days to come. Read the account at the above link. "The first time the nickname appeared in print was in the Charleston (SC) Mercury on the 26th of April 1864. The article reads as follows, "THE PLYMOUTH PILGRIMS - We learn that the 2500 Yankee prisoners, captured by General Hoke's forces at Plymouth, left Wilmington last night, and may be expected to pass through Charleston this evening, on their way to the Prison Depot at Americus, Ga."

Plymouth Pilgrims Descendants Society

101st Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry
Visit Edward Boots great site about our ancestors



After only three months at Andersonville Prison in Georgia, Adam died on July 13, 1864. We have visited this site several times. It is a solemn feeling to walk among the many graves of those who died in this place.

Not in the fierce and frenzied shock of war,
Amid the raging battle’s heated breath,
And clash of arms, and deafening roar of guns,
Met they the Angel, Death.
But in foul prison-pens, with stealthy tread,
He came, and took them slowly, one by one;
And they that lingered saw their comrades’ eyes
Close sadly on the sun—
Saw their pale eyelids close, and felt the hour
Draw nearer to themselves, till Death became
As one of them, and with each suffering day
Familiar grew his name.
Sometimes the sentry’s gun, with sharp report,
Would send some poor soul on his heavenward flight,
Who, wary of his prison’s gloom, stepp’d forth
Boldly into the light!
Great God, within that book Thy Angel keeps
Are such things written—such unhallowed deeds?
O blot them from our memories, and heal
Each sorrowing heart that bleeds!
Our land is one vast sepulchre—see rise
The swelling mounds; the dust which in them lies
Is the rich price which cherished Freedom claims,
Our Nation’s sacrifice.
These shall not now be nameless; he shall read
Who views them hence, traced by a woman’s hand,
Each hero’s name; in future years untold
Mute records they shall stand—
Mute records, they, of valor, courage, love,
Of stern endurance amid sufferings ended;
And with each name upon those patriot graves
Hers shall be blended.
Harper's Weekly, August 19, 1865, page 518 (Poem)

"MAKE SHIFT" Shelters at Andersonville (Camp Sumpter) Prison, Georgia

Scenes from Andersonville Prison

Read: "A Cry From Andersonville Prison" by Wm. Comfort.

The History of the 101st Regiment Infantry
Source "A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion" by Frederick H. Dyer
ORGANIZED -- at Harrisburg November 21, 1861, to February 24, 1862. Moved to Washington, D.C., February 27, 1862. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 4th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to June, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 4th Army Corps, to September, 1862. Wessell's Brigade, Division at Suffolk, Va., 7th Corps, Dept. of Virginia, to December, 1862. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. of North Carolina, to January, 1863. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 18th Army Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to May, 1863. District of Albemarle, Dept. of North Carolina, to August, 1863. Sub District, Albemarle, District of North Carolina, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1864. Defenses of New Berne, N. C., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to February, 1865. District of New Berne, N. C., Dept. of North Carolina, to June, 1865.
SERVICE -- Advance on Manassas, Va., March 10-15, 1862. Ordered to the Peninsula March 28. Siege of Yorktown April 5-May 4. Battle of Williamsburg May 5. Battles of Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, May 31-June 1. seven days before Richmond June 25-July 1. Brackett's June 30. Malvern Hill July 1. At Harrison's Landing until August 16. Moved to Fortress Monroe August 16-23, thence to Suffolk September 18, and duty there until December. Ordered to New Berne, N. C., December 4. Foster's Expedition to Goldsboro December 10-21. Kinston December 14. Whitehall December 16. Goldsboro December 17. Duty at New Berne until May, 1863. Expedition from New Berne to Mattamuskeet Lake March 7-14. Operations on the Pamlico April 4-6. Expedition for relief Of Little Washington April 7-10. Moved to Plymouth May, 1863, and duty there until March, 1864. Expedition from Plymouth to Nichol's Mills June 28, 1863 (Detachment). Expedition from Plymouth to Gardner's Bridge and Williamston July 5-7. Expedition from Plymouth to Foster's Mills July 26-29. Harrellsville January 20, 1864 (Detachment). Windsor January 30. Fairfield February 16. Moved to New Berne March, 1864; thence to Roanoke Island and to Plymouth April. Siege of Plymouth April 17-20. Regiment mostly captured April 20. Those not captured served as garrison at Roanoke Island until June, 1865. Mustered out at New Berne June 25, 1865. Regiment lost during service 39 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 281 Enlisted men by disease. Total 321.

The Missing Diaries of Samuel Walker Porter of the 101st PA Volunteers --


New Castle News - Jun 1 2000  By Louise Carroll

Piecing together the past: Family of Civil War prisoner in search of missing diaries. Civil War veteran Samuel Walker Porter has been brought to life by his diaries. Porter documented the days of his life in 48 pocket-sized diaries that he began in 1864 while a prisoner at Andersonville, Ga. Samuel's great-grandson C. Melvin "Mel" Porter of Beaver Falls and great-great grandson, Bob Porter of Westminster, Md., have 41 of the diaries and are searching for the seven missing volumes. "This search has become a passion," Bob noted. "We have been to Andersonville many times. As I walked along those places I had a very eerie feeling. It was a strange experience to be at those exact spots where Samuel was a prisoner and his brother, David, died."

Mel added, "We would particularly like to have the first diary done at Andersonville. It was where Samuel's brother died. If someone has the diaries and treasures them, we would be happy to have copies. They are small and look like little books. Someone could have them not realize what they are." Samuel, a member of the 101st Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was one of four brothers who fought in the Civil War. His two older brothers received "surgeons' certificates" or medical discharges, and his younger brother, David, who joined in early 1864, was also a prisoner at Andersonville.

A neighbor documented his concern for David's health when he wrote to his family: "I saw David Porter today. He looks ill. I doubt he will live out the year." The 18-year-old died a short time later on June 26, 1864. While doing their genealogical research, the Porters found many connections to the Lawrence County area. They said they hope that some of those may lead to the missing diaries. Although they would like to have the diaries back, the two stressed they would be satisfied to see them and copy them. The missing copies begin with the 1864 diary that Samuel began while in Andersonville. They know Samuel wrote the diary because they found a reference to it in an 1869 Beaver County newspaper clipping that he kept in a scrapbook. The article, headlined "Living Witnesses," stated that two Beaver Falls men knew the story about a wonderful stream of water that had burst from the ground inside the stockade of Andersonville was true.

The two veterans, Ebenezer Springer and S.W. Porter, the story stated, were taken prisoner when their entire regiment fell into the hands of the Confederates on April 20, 1864, at Plymouth, N.C. The prisoners suffered terribly for water, their only supply coming from the little stream that came through the enclosure carrying the filthy drainage from the Rebel Camp. The two veterans explained how after a storm a stream burst forth and there was great rejoicing as "the poor fellows came and had the first drink of pure water they had tasted for months." Samuel recounted that he kept a diary throughout his days in Andersonville. "Although the book is now almost 32 years old, the events as narrated above were all chronicled therein and can be relied upon as being correct," the article stated. Knowing that Samuel kept the diary, the Porters continues their search, which has taken them deep into their genealogy and led them to visit Civil War battlefields, museums and Andersonville.

The whereabouts or clues about the diaries could be in the Lawrence County area. The trail is cold because the names and references they have are from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. They hope that someone will recognize the names or families and give them one more piece to the puzzle. Some family connections the Porters have uncovered include a Friday family living in Wurtemburg listed in the 1865 diary. Robert M. Porter, one of Samuel's brothers, lived in the Wurtemburg area, and an uncle John Porter lived in New Castle. Samuel's first wife, Mary Elizabeth English, an orphan, was taken in by the Joseph H. Cunningham family when she was 7 years old. The Cunninghams lived in North Sewickley Township and they regularly visited the Slem Cunningham family. After his wife died in 1905, Samuel married a widow, Mary Wilson of New Castle, in 1907. She died in 1909 in New Castle at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Kirker. Samuel's niece was married to William Thomas Hoover, also a New Castle resident. With so many different family connections, the Porters are hoping someone will make a connection. The leather-bound diaries, which were called pocket journals, are approximately 2 1/2 inches by 5 inches and contain about 100 pages. The pages were separated into about three days each and there are pages in the back for notes or addresses. The missing years are 1864, '66, '67, '68, '69, '70 and '71.

Samuel was born in 1843 in what is now the Boardman, Ohio, area and died 1912. The family moved to North Sewickley Township after 1850. He served in the Union army from October 1861 until December 1864.

In their search for information, the Porters have learned a lot about Samuel's life. He worked as a carpenter building houses in Wampum and walked there from where he lived in Chewton. He also worked on a "little railroad" in Wampum. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic Lodge in Wampum and one Christmas the lodge sent a basket of food to help him and his family. "If it wasn't for bad luck, he wouldn't have had any at all," Mel said. "After his internment at Andersonville, he wasn't able to work steady because of back problems and so he was often short of money. "He borrowed a wagon to move his things when they had to move. He bought a horse and the horse died and then he bought another and it died. These were critical events in those days. He never had much. He relied on family and friends to help him out." The entries in his diaries always begin with a report of the weather that day. For rainy days he wrote it was "weet" and continued to misspell the word for 48 years. He wrote few personal items but instead wrote about the flood in Johnstown or a local fire, a horse dying, the first telephone call he received and his first bicycle, which he called a wheel. In line with his continued bad luck, he fell off the bicycle and broke his arm.

A few personal remarks include mourning the death of his first wife and noting how a Christmas during the mid-1880s was "a sad day. We have nothing to make it special." He did not write about his war experiences. All references to the Civil War are about going to reunions, including the one in New Castle in 1893 and seeing old friends. He helped found the Ex-prisoners of War organization and served as its quartermaster.

In 1905 the government dedicated a monument to honor the dead at Andersonville. They paid the way of ex-prisoners of war who wanted to attend the dedication and Samuel traveled there on train. His diaries detail only the train ride. About 10 years ago, an aunt asked Mel to look over some items she had to be auctioned because she did not want to sell anything considered a family heirloom. Mel found an old print of Andersonville and hung it at his house. Six years ago he gave the print to his son, Bob. Bob decided to take it apart and clean it before hanging it at his home. When he took it apart he noticed two small X's on the print - one in the trees and one at a hut. Bob and Mel have visited Andersonville many times. And after finding the X's on the print, Bob located the spots at Andersonville. The X in the trees denotes the cemetery area, where the Porters assume Samuel marked where his brother, David, is buried. The other X marked the hut where Samuel lived during his imprisonment.

FYI ... If you have information about Samuel Walker Porter or his family, call C. Melvin "Mel" Porter at 846-5393.

101st PA Roster located on Edward Boots' page.

He has done such a good job putting all this together for us.

MORE TO COME....Check back soon.

Christi Klink Watkins
Great Great Granddaughter of John Klink

Visit my Web Page "In My Father's House"