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101st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company "C"
Music "The Vacant Chair" written 1861 by Geo. Root

JOHN KLINK -- Private, Co. C. Born 1821 in Wurtemburg, Germany son of Johannes & Anna Walter Klenck. Arrived in America with Adam, his brother, around 1849. He was married to Barbara Saylor, and together they had 11 children. Enlisted 6 Sept `61 at Big Beaver Twp, Lawrence Co., PA, a 41 year old Coal Miner from Lawrence Co., PA. Mustered in 21 Nov `61. Wounded in the face & captured 31 May `62 at Fair Oaks, VA. Held captive at Salisbury, NC for 3 months. Exchanged 13 Sept `62 at Aikens Landing, VA and hospitalized until 12 May `63 when he was discharged on a Surgeon's Certificate. He was never able to do full time work again. He died in 1877 of "disease contracted in the service."

JOHN'S Civil War Records -- more to come later.
Certificate of Disability for Discharge

War Department Record With Activity Summary

Barbara Saylor Klink's Last Letter Requesting a Widow's Pension -----

Barbara spent five years trying to receive a widow's pension for John's Civil War service. This letter speaks of her frustation in this final attempt to prove his disabilities and her need for assistance. She writes,
"If this is not enough, I can do no more. I am a poor woman..."
She later did receive a $12 a month pension. Later, she had to reapply because a fire around 1912, burned all her original records. (That's another story.)

Also see: Barbara's Original Pension Application

Click here to see: ADAM KLINK'S Story

JOHN KLINK might have responded to a "Call to Arms" much like this one. This is a copy of an original "Call to Arms", RECRUIMENT POSTER for Beaver County, PA., dated April 22, 1861. It reads:

"WAR! WAR!! TO ARMS!! Fellow Citizens, arouse!
The rest of Peace is broken. War's alarms are upon us. We are threatened with immediate invasion by the South. The news of the last twenty-four hours is exciting, and informs us that following speedily upon the fall of Sumter, by the hands of the insurgents, Virginia has seceded. The armory at Harper's Ferry has been seized and an army is about moving to invade the Capitol of the Nation. In a few hours Washington may be in the hands of the enemy. Immediate action is necessary for the protection of our homes and the soil of our country. At a large meeting held in the Court House, the undersigned were appointed a Committee to call a Public-Meeting of the citizens of the county at the COURT HOUSE, on MONDAY, April 22nd, 1861, at 11 o-clock A.M. to take immediate measures for a thorough organization of the Military of the County. COME ONE. COME ALL; the danger is imminent. Immediate action is imperative.


A Company of Rifleman for immediate service is now being organized. Persons desirous of joining will report themselves at the Prothonotary's Office. (Brighton Times Print)"

This copy was taken from "Historic Pittsburgh, Vol 1."
To see a larger version of the poster, click on the small poster at the top.
(Use your BACK browser to return to this page.)


JOHN KLINK was wounded and captured at the Battle of Fair Oaks, on May 31, 1862. Read a wonderful account of this battle at the following link.The Battle of Fair Oaks

JOHN KLINK was held captive at Salisbury, North Carolina for three months. This is a picture of the prison camp. Notice the three small buildings in the forefront. These were the hospitals at that time. Because of JOHN'S injuries, during the Battle of Fair Oaks, he would have remained hospitalized until his exchange on September 13, 1862.

See the Salisbury, North Carolina Link for Historic Information

AIKEN'S LANDING -- New Yorker Steamer
"Waiting the Exchange of Prisoners" (Library of Congress).
JOHN KLINK was exchanged at Aiken's Landing, September 13, 1862. Though it is not known the exact circumstances of the exchange, we can assume that it might have been on a vessel such as this.

JOHN KLINK remained hospitalized for six months following his exchange at Aiken's Landing. This is a picture of wounded soldiers outside a Washington D. C. Hospital. They remained here until they were able to be returned to battle or sent home. Many of those released from Salisbury, NC went to one of these Washington D.C. hospitals. Some remained at field hospitals which were much more crowded and less sanitary. These conditions gave way to a greater chance of disease and death. There is a chance that JOHN KLINK spent some of his time as an injured soldier, at one or more of these field hospitals.

JOHN KLINK was discharged on a Surgeon's Certificate on May 12, 1863, and sent home.

The History of the 101st Regiment Infantry
Source "A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion" by Frederick H. Dyer
ORGANIZED -- at Harrisburg November 21, 1861, to February 24, 1862. Moved to Washington, D.C., February 27, 1862. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 4th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to June, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 4th Army Corps, to September, 1862. Wessell's Brigade, Division at Suffolk, Va., 7th Corps, Dept. of Virginia, to December, 1862. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. of North Carolina, to January, 1863. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 18th Army Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to May, 1863. District of Albemarle, Dept. of North Carolina, to August, 1863. Sub District, Albemarle, District of North Carolina, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1864. Defenses of New Berne, N. C., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to February, 1865. District of New Berne, N. C., Dept. of North Carolina, to June, 1865.
SERVICE -- Advance on Manassas, Va., March 10-15, 1862. Ordered to the Peninsula March 28. Siege of Yorktown April 5-May 4. Battle of Williamsburg May 5. Battles of Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, May 31-June 1. seven days before Richmond June 25-July 1. Brackett's June 30. Malvern Hill July 1. At Harrison's Landing until August 16. Moved to Fortress Monroe August 16-23, thence to Suffolk September 18, and duty there until December. Ordered to New Berne, N. C., December 4. Foster's Expedition to Goldsboro December 10-21. Kinston December 14. Whitehall December 16. Goldsboro December 17. Duty at New Berne until May, 1863. Expedition from New Berne to Mattamuskeet Lake March 7-14. Operations on the Pamlico April 4-6. Expedition for relief Of Little Washington April 7-10. Moved to Plymouth May, 1863, and duty there until March, 1864. Expedition from Plymouth to Nichol's Mills June 28, 1863 (Detachment). Expedition from Plymouth to Gardner's Bridge and Williamston July 5-7. Expedition from Plymouth to Foster's Mills July 26-29. Harrellsville January 20, 1864 (Detachment). Windsor January 30. Fairfield February 16. Moved to New Berne March, 1864; thence to Roanoke Island and to Plymouth April. Siege of Plymouth April 17-20. Regiment mostly captured April 20. Those not captured served as garrison at Roanoke Island until June, 1865. Mustered out at New Berne June 25, 1865. Regiment lost during service 39 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 281 Enlisted men by disease. Total 321.

This UNKNOWN UNION SOLDIER represents all of our family members who served in the Civil War without recognition or reward. We do not have a picture of our JOHN KLINK who served so bravely and lost so much. He never recovered fully from the injuries that he received during his time of service. He suffered greatly, not only from his own wounds, but from the loss of his brother ADAM, who died at Andersonville Prison in Georgia. The war never ended for him until his death in 1877.

Please see these wonderful links:

101st Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry by Edward Boots. He is the real expert on the 101st. I am only an interested by-stander. He has created a wonderful site that makes us all proud to be descendants of the 101st PA. Volunteers.

Memorial Day Address 1884; Oliver Wendall Holmes A powerful address about veterans and the civil war. His words will touch your heart.

Christi Klink Watkins
Great Great Granddaughter of John Klink

Visit my Web Page "In My Father's House"