My Life In Music

What I Have Accomplished In Music!

Welcome to my life in music! There is so much to talk about. I can talk about music for all 24 hours of day!!! J/K. I think I was 6 years old when I wanted to do something with music in my life. It all started when Mom took me to have piano lessons in Cape Elizabeth, Maine from Mrs. Palmquist. A very well pianist! I remember my very first recital! This also was the first and the last family recital. After this recital it was just student recitals. This particular recital I remembered the I was the very first one to play since I was the youngest player to perform. It was only a minute long. Or should I say 40 seconds at the most. I performed "Yankee Doodle Went To Town". I was so shy and it was only one finger used. Using my index finger with one note. "Yankee Doddle went to la la la la...." and you know the rest. Anyway that was a very exciting part of my early career in music. As the years kept going I started to learn lots of classical pieces like "MINUET" by Bach and other favorites like "Fur Elise" by Beethovan my favorite compose since we both had hearing problems. When I was in 4th grade My 2 brothers, Matt and Chip and I went to like solo ensamble to play a piano piece. I can't quite remember the name of the song I played but I remember being a fast song. I don't remember how I did either but I do remember this... IT WAS A LONG DAY!!!! When I was in fifth grade the music teacher from the school wanted us to take a music test. There were about 5 5th grade classes. After we took the test they graded the test. It wasn't really a test but more like a poll. Out of my class I ranked first. I ranked 2nd place out of all 5th grade so now I really wanted to do something with music in my life.

After 5th grade we moved to PORT ARTHUR, TEXAS where I enrolled in my very first band class. Mr. Joe Vargo was the name a my percussionist teacher. The only reason I took up percussion was the fact that I loved playing piano maybe bells or should I say XYLOPHONE would be motive to play in the band. I had to learn the basics of percussion though by learning how to use a drum stick and all that little stuff. So I learned how to use it but not actually learning to play it because I never played a real drum during that year. I did however had fun playing BASS DRUM!! After that year I went to a school in Port Arthur, where I had a teacher by the name of Miss Savorino. The next year in 8th grade was my first year in a marching band with Mr. Sam Moore as the head director and Miss Savorino as assitant. Mr. Moore became one of my favorite band directors. Even though I was in the marching band I didn't march. I played on the sidelines.

Then came high school and I was ready for more challenging things in life in music.

Mr. Germer became my new band director and I enrolled in Chorus for the first time. Being a freashmen was very hard to getting to use to the differnt types of music. I had fun though especially getting help from my two favorite percussion mates in the marching band, BJ Martineze and Phil Hempstein. I will never forget them as long as I live. Throughout those 4 years in high school I was involved in lots of musical activties. I was always doing something in music. Every friday there was a game so the marching band was there. After the season came the marching band contest. My freashmen year and my sophomre year we advanced to regional competition. It was really fun to do all that but it was really hard work to be prepared for that kind of contest. Next came the all-region chorus try-outs. I didn't do much in chorus my freashmen year because I was still learning how to sing and learning all the techiniques. My sophomore year I began to try out. I made it all 3 years. What we did was to sing a song that was being selected to sing at try-outs. Lots of singers try out twice on different parts because for each part (8 of them) there are usually about 400 people trying out. Only 43 people make the chorus. There are 3 chorus. The top 18 makes the mixed chours, and the rest make either the Mens Chourus or the Treble Chorus. My sophomore year I was in the men tenor/bass chorus. I had a fun time but I had a ball the next two years. I made the mixed chourus the next two years. We had to sing challaging songs to make the chorus in LATIN! Yikes eh? I will never forget the moment I have spent in the chourus.

After try-outs for the all-region chorus then came all-city band/chorous. I was in chourus all 4 years and in Band the last two years. All that was you had try outs in your city like the all region chorous and they select you. It was a neat experience.

Next came my favorite part of my music experiences. The solo/ensamble contests. Every year in band and chours I had a solo and a member in an ensamble. My last two years was my biggest years because I advanced to state and got to do at least 3 events at state. My junior year I advanced to state on both of my solo's and a chorus ensamble. Then my senior year my favorite of all years.... My two solo's and a barbershop quartet singing "Hello My Baby". I recieved my first ever gold medel on my band solo. I became the first percussionist and mallet player to get a one at state. I was so happy.

Now came more challenging events my college years in music.

Most of my classes at Florida College were music. I was involved in Music Theory, Auraol Thearoy, Music Literature, Band, Jazz Band, Chorus, Private Voice Lessons, Private Piano Lessons, Band and Chorus Tours as well as being a member of Music Educators National Convention. I was vice president my second year. During the chours tour my only year I was in it (sophomore year) I did a xylophone solo while the chours sang "Cindy". It was a neat experience that I will never forget. Thanks Mr. Dugger. Also Dr. Barlar my band director and my favorite director of all time!!!!, selected me to be in the all-state band for two years in a row and I had the best experience in my music life.

Hope that you have enjoyed this page I may change it around a little when I have more time. Write to me and let me know what you think of this page.

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Songs I Have Written
