Songs I Have Written

Name Of Songs

Welcome to my page of written songs

I only have written 4 songs but I hope to write to at least 50 songs. One major goal is to write a big musical. Most of my songs that I have written so far was when I was Florida College. So for each song will tell you how I came to writting the song and the words to the last two songs.

Rufieo Opus 1

The first two songs are instrumental piano songs. This first one I wrote when I came back home from my first semster of college at Christmas time. This song if you can picture it while you listen is a story of being faithful. I picture the song starting out as a guy is walking along the side of the road and one day meets the girl his dreams. They start talking to each other and getting to know one another. Soon they start liking each other and started seeing more of each other and before long they fall in LOVE and get married. As the years go on they have their first fight they have ever had and it is a really big fight and his mate saids that she doesn't want to see each other again. She leaves and he is in his bedroom saying to himself "How could I let her go away like that". So he decided that he was gonna say I'm Sorry. So the next day he goes to find him to only see that she came back and together they both say I'm sorry and they stay together for all the rest of their lives.

I dedicated this song to my parents for still staying together after 25 years and hope to stay together. Also to all those who never had a divorce thank you!

Cammie, My Forever Friend

This instrumental song was written about a feeling I once had when Cammie went together over the internet. We went together for one year. It was a neat experience and during the begging of this relationship I wrote a piano song expressing my feelings I had. I still have a great frienship feeling. We are still the best of friends!

My Special Night

This song is about my first big banquet date I have ever had. Her name was SUZANNE KINGRY. I still have remember that great night I had. I couldn't believe I wrote a song about that night and if I ever learn to play guitar will have musical background. SO here a few words to some of that song you will have to get my permission if you want to see the rest.

Remember that night when you picked me up

you had a great big smile on your loving face.

You dressed up all in white, and oh so lovely and oh so nice.

I couldn't stand the fact that a gorgeous girl like you would like to spend some time with me.


Oh suzanne, this night was oh so lovely.

You made me laugh, you warmed me and your love really touched me.

I couldn't ask for any better night than this,

cuz you're the one who made this night so fantastic.

Wait On The Lord

This song is a hymn song when I wrote my second year at FC. It a passage from the Book of Psalms. The chorus from FC was so nice to me that they sang it for me on tape. I love them all for doing that for me.

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