Theater/Musical's and Plays

Musical's/Plays all 5 bro's been in

The Home Page of Ralph and his Brother's success in Show Business(Well Not Really)

***Update August 17, 1998***

Music is one of the many important elements in my life and I just wanted to share with you the success that each of my brother's and I have had doing a musical or a play. The last musical event for one of us was "THE KING AND I that my little brother Nate was a part of. I believe auditions for the fantatstics is next. This will be his second attempt for him to be a part of this musical.

Before I start of with what my brothers and I have done I like to share with you some of the shows I have gone to and what I would like to see! First of all, my very first musical show I have been too was "THE KING AND I". The show was my 10th birthday present that my mom and I walked to the local theater in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. I actually tried out to be one of the king's children but didn't make the audition. I was thrilled though to see 2 of my local friends from 4th grade to make the play. I had a great time that night. It will be later til I went to college where I saw my college friends performed "MY FAIR LADY" which inspired me to try out for "SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS" that next season. I have seen two musicals professionaly. The first professional musical I have gone to was in DALLAS, Texas to see Robert Gouliegh do "MAN OF LA MANCHA". I thought it was ok. The only reason why I was not that interested because I am not very fond of knight's and king's like that if you know what I mean. I did feel for the guy at the end when it was time for his excution when they sang "THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM" which is my 4th favorite musical song ever.

I saw my favorite musical "LES MISERABLES" for my 24th Birthday present. I was so surprised because my family told me that we gonna go and watch my elder brother recieve some kind of award for his teaching skills. We went to Alabama and was not aware that we were there to see the muiscal! I tell you I have never been so thirlled in my life! I had the greatest time ever! Now that I saw Les Mis I want to see my #3 musical "JECKYL & HYDE" and #2 "RENT". When I was in college, the chorus did highlights for LES MISERABLES and I had a blast doing that. I participated in the songs "The End Of The Day", "Do You Hear The People Sing", "One Day Amore" and "Fianalle". I will never forget that experience.

Chip, my oldest brother was at Florida College when he did "1776". I will have to ask him what charecter he played and when I do I will put that on here and ask him how much he liked doing the play.

I did "Seven Brides For Seven Brothers". This was a treamendous time for me! I never had so much fun in my life! I played Mr. Bixby. My favorite moments was being a father for 2 daughters. One funny moment when the cast was practing at rehearsing the end where there was a shot gun wedding., I accidently pulled my gun and made a sound. That was a really funny moment! One of my best friend pretened that I shot him!

Matt has been involved in so many musicals and plays. He did "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" first playing Molly's brother. He then did "South Pacific" as Stew I believe. He is big performance I thought was playing the queen's man in "SNOW WHITE AND SEVEN DWARFS". I never have laughed so much in my life! He than did "MY FAIR LADY" being in the quartet. His last recent one was "LITTLE WOMAN" doing Mr. Brooks, Lauri's tutor. He was so great in "LITTLE SHOP OF HORROS"! To me this was his best performance as the "DENTIST"....

Andy is in the chorus for "LITTLE SHOP OF HORROR'S" his first effort in musical's. He also made the plant move and his mouth move. I am so very proud of him!

Nate is the man! I am so very proud of his accomplishments! He is alonly 15 years of age and look at what he has done so far! I don't know all of his charecter's yet but will find out! He first played as a russian in "FIDDELER ON THE ROOF". Then he played old man's side kick in "THE FANTASTICS". He played one of Hitler's men in "THE SOUND OF MUSIC". His two recents one's he has done have been the best ever! "THE FOREIGNER" hs played the little brother whom sis and others thought he was so dumb! He was so funny! My favorite is and will be for awhile is "LITTLE WOMAN". He played Laurie. He did so great in"LITTLE SHOP OF HORROR'S" as the voice of the plant. What a voice he has got! He just finished doing the "KING AND I" being the interpeter in the very first scene where the King's Righ Hand man meets Miss Anna for the first time...He did a great job.

I hope you like my Top 50 Musical songs. I was gonna try 100 but I didn't care for quite a lot so here is my Top 50! If you are interested, e-mail up to 10 musical songs and tell me what musical it is from in top 10 form #1 being your best! Hope you like this page!

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