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me.jpg (21132 bytes)

You prolly guessed that the geezer to the left is me...good guess.   I usually look much younger and more alert, but what are you gonna do with a cheap camera.

BTW, the camera I am using for the images on this site is a Poloroid PDC 300 (digital).  Cost: $149.00 at your local Wallyworld.  I don't see much reason to spend  several hundred dollars for a camera ....especially when the prices are in such constant flux and the features are so thin.

My bio. in brief:  I sometimes did well in school...made Pfc a couple times in the army....but ended my military career as a private.  Never sold used cars or burial insurance, though.  I became rich and famous while operating a Sinclair filling station on a major highway intersection up in Missouri in the '60s and early '70s....Married up to two St Louis women (different times) and in time decided I must return to the land of my birth....South Texas (PTL)...Without the St Louis women or fame and fortune for that matter.

Being Nordic, by heritage, I decided that the only thing for me to do, of course, was to be a pirate....and that is hard going in this day and I hired on as engineer aboard an ocean tug plowing the water between New Jersery and Buenos Aries.... liked that a lot because I could practice the pirate's finest arts among the islands in the Mar del Caribe and up and down the coast of Brazil....Made a couple of forays over to the China seas and plied the old Med. too......Then, as pirates often do, I started working in the offshore oil patch....there by losing all of my fame and fortune....and much of my sense of humor.

Today, while walking the roads in search of collectable aluminum artifacts, (pitched from pickups by roaming order to find the way back.)  I look in the tall weeds and behind old barns for forgotten pieces of iron that I might drag home and beat upon with hammers.  I also have found it comforting to paint and repair the old iron and place it near the roadside for others to admire.

  1. My Pug : .............dogrun.gif (12972 bytes)



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fog.jpg (3587 bytes)Come on....Follow Me....elfster.gif (4151 bytes)