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Scout21's Printable Award Certificates

Welcome to my newest page. As a school bus driver I was looking for some awards to give to the kids on my bus at the end of the year. The only awards I could find were very formal and not at all what I had in mind. So I've created my own.

Now you can personalize the awards before you print them!!!

Special thanks go to Jerry Hollingshead for the help with the Javascript. He basically did all the work I just cut and pasted the Javascript to the awards.

Don't forget to Bookmark this site so you can find it again. But you are certainly welcome to transload one of the awards to your own site to use as a template to make your own awards.

NEW!! Some of the personalize awards now have backgrounds! Look for more changes in the weeks to come.

Generic AwardsSchool RelatedGirl ScoutsMiscellaneousMiscellaneous
Special Award Outstanding Reader 1st Time Camping Bravery Award Bible Award
Shining Star Award Outstanding Citizenship girl Outstanding Troop Camper Award Outstanding Patient Bible Verse Memory Award
Special Star Award Outstanding Citizenship boy Tidy Tent Bravest Kid Sunday School Attendance
Caught You! Being Good Hard Worker Tent Setup Award Understanding Daughter
Extra! Extra! Artist Award Girl Power Award Understanding Son
Helping HandsMad Scientist
Friendship AwardScience Award
Super Shopper Geography Award
Bus Conduct Diploma 1 Diploma 2
Teacher First Bus Ride Softball 1 Softball 2

The awards on this table are not set up for personalization.

Generic AwardsSchool RelatedGirl ScoutsSick ChildSunday School
Special Award Outstanding/ Improved Reader 1st Time Camping Bravery Award Bible Award lrg
Shining Star Award Outstanding/ Improved Citizenship girl Outstanding Troop Camper Award Outstanding Patient Bible Award sm
Special Star Award Outstanding/ Improved Citizenship boy Tidy Tent Bravest Kid Sunday School Attendance
Caught You! Being Good Hard Worker Tent Setup Award Understanding Daughter
Extra! Extra! Great Bus Conduct" Understanding Son
Good bus conduct
Bus Safety

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