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This story is read by a narrator and when certain words are said the girls do certain motions and say certain things. We always thought it was more fun to have all the girls do all the actions instead of assigning one action to each person.

This was given to me at my Brownie Training. I don't know if it was written my the trainer or if it came from another source. I only know I did not write it.

The Brownie Story

Words Sound Motion
GirlsGiggle Hands in front of mouth
GrannyOh, my!Both hands slap knees
BrowniesBe Prepared!Stand and make GS sign
HouseCome In Motion with right hand to come in
OwlHoo-Hoo Bend arms and flap wings
Forrest Moan Move arms up and down with fingers moving

Once there were two little girls who lived in England with their Granny and their father. The girls played all day while Granny and Father had to work very hard. One day Granny told the girls about the Bownies who used to do lots of things to help around the house. They are gone now, she said but it was always much happier when they helped. The girls wanted to know when the Brownies had gone and how to get them to come back.

Granny said, "Only the wise old owl knows"

That night, when everyone else was asleep, one of the girls ran out of the house into the magic forrest. There she found the wise old owl. "Please," said the girl, "Where can I find the Brownies to come and live with us?"

The owl said, "I know where two live -- right in your house.

She was very surprised. "Tell me how to find them," she begged.

He told her to go to the pond in the magic forrest turn herself around 3 times and say "Twist me and turn me and show me the elf, I look in the water and see _____!" The owl said, "Finish the rhyme and you will see the Brownie in the magic pond.

The girl went to the pond in the magic forrest and did as she had been told. Then she went back to the wise old owl and said, "Something must be wrong. I did what you told me to do and I only saw myself! And I'm not a Brownie!

"Are you sure?" said Owl. To be a Brownie you must be ready to help those around you, make friend whenever you can, and above all, try everyday to discover something new.

"I'd like to be a Brownie," she said. "Then go home and try," Owl said, kindly He touched her had with his feathers and suddenly she was home.

Quietly she woke up her sister, told her all that had happened and together they tip-toed into the front room and began to clean the house In the morning, when Granny and Father saw it, they wanted to know what had happened, who had done it. The girls danced around and sang, "It the Brownies!" And from that day on, theirs was a very happy house.
