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some stuff you may want to know about me....

Zodiac : Aries [yay]
height : 5'5

Click HERE to see me!

Music : I love anykind of music.. though i am partial to eighties
ill listen to most anything, and have fun while doing it.. i used
to love rap, but now i am really getting tired of it.. I am a HUGE
sara mclachlan freak! I love female vocalists such as amie mann, natalie
merchant, jewel and tori amos.

Movies : My favorite movie...definatly Casablanca. I am sucker for horros
though..anything frightening will get my attention...

Literature : I love Stephen King books. nearly read all of them and watched
the movies...i cant help myself! True some people may call him demented..
but i love his books anyways!!! Anybody who can think up your worst
nightmares and have the power to make you belive outrageous horrors is
unbelievable...he gives me a new way to look at things...everything infact...
and i guess i may read a little more into his books then he means to.. or
maybe im just smart like that

Fears : I guess my love for Stephen King also gave me fear for
clowns. I think the reason why i am terrified of clown is becuase you dont really
know what is behind the mask.. even though the mask is always smiling.. like the
movie IT whatever is behind the mask could really be some monster.. or like one
of those serial killers [i forgot which one dressed up like a clown].. I also have a
phobia of sharks.. im so scared of them that at the beach, i wont put one foot
into the water, even though i will get sun burned on the beach.

"Sometimes when I feel like killing someone, I do a little trick to calm myself
down. I'll go over to the persons house and ring the doorbell. When the person
comes to the door, I'm gone, but you know what I've left on the porch? A
jack-o-lantern with a knife stuck in the side of it's head with a note
that says "You." After that I usually feel a lot better, and no harm done."
--- Saturday Night Live =)

My philosohies of life.....[constant additions]

1)I think your self respect is one of the most important aspects of your
individuality. Either you be a dumbass and let everyone know thats what you
are, or you maintain yourself so much, that people dont have to know you to
know what kind of a person you are. -- They just know by looking at you.

2)You think everyone in this world cares? They dont. Infact there are VERY
FEW people who you can actually call your real friends. Yeah there's everyone
else in life, and those people that you just couldnt throw a party without, but
they are only what i like to call "background people." They hardley shape
your life in any way. But there are those very few, who influence you in ways
you never though possible, and although you may never realize just what an
impact they make, they do, and you never want to lose them.

3) My Views on God. Technically im Agnostic. me and God arent on the best
terms right now, but i know he looks out for me when i need it most. I believe in
his existance, but Im jsut not ready to let him into my life right now. Im not
really the right person to even began talking about God, but the way i see it--
there is only one God. Jesus, Krishna, Bhudda -- they are all just representations
of God in their own cultures. So no matter who you pray to, it doesnt matter. He
listens anyways.

4) Life is all a big game. Who can take the most shit, who can cry the
least. Its about fighting to be happy, and i say only a few really and
truly succeed. Its not about surviving, or beating God in His little
games..its all about happiness.. and how you're never going to fully get
it in every aspect of your life.

5) Everyone searches to find the meaning if life.. and i guess its
different for everyone. But there are those people who actually scratch
the surface of living life, and then there are those who are trapped into
the materialistic world so far deep, they don't even realise that they are

my friends...

a collections of pics.. me and my friends..

Recent pictures of friends, prom, graduation ...

Anyways-- email me sometime -- id love to hear from you.

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