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To encourage you & make you think!*s*

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~*Guard The Feathers*~

No Taking Back Words

Once upon a time, a peasant known for gossiping and telling half truths ran to the priest asking for help. "I want to retract all the evil things I have spoken and make peace with God and my neighbors for my vicious words." Asking the man to meet him in the church yard, the priest went to his room and retrieved a pillow. Standing before the peasant, the priest tore open the pillow and let the feathers fly. The gentle breeze carried feathers everywhere. The priest instructed the peasant to retrieve the feathers. After hours of trying unsuccessfully to retrieve the feathers, the peasant returned to the priest. The priest said, "Words out of the mouth fly like the feathers in the wind, and no matter how good your intentions of retrieving all the ill-spoken things, there is no way to do so."

Our Words Will Come Back To Us

God will make us account for every word on Judgement Day. "For every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgement. And by your words you will be condemned" {Matt. 12:36, 37}. Our words, like feathers in the wind, can never be retrieved once they are set free. We need to set a guard over our mouths.

The mind is a garden that could be cultivated to produce the harvest that we desire. The mind is a workshop where the important decisions of life and eternity are made. The mind is an armory where we forge the weapons of our victory or our destruction. The mind is a battlefield where all the decisive battles of life are won or lost.~~see Psa 26:1; Rom 8:6; Rom 12:2~~

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost;
When health is lost, something is lost;
When character is lost, all is lost.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; 'tis dearness only that gives everything its value.~~see 2Cor 4:17-18~~

Cynicism is cancer of the spirit. The bad cells of sarcasm attack the good cells of hope and, if undiagnosed, will eventually destroy them.

I Knelt to Pray

...But not for long - I had too much to do. I must hurry off to work, for bills will soon be due. And so I said a hurried prayer and jumped up from off my knees; My christian duty was now done, my soul would be at ease. All through the day I had no time to speak a word of cheer; No time to speak of Christ to friends, they'd laugh I feared. No time! No time! Too much to do! That was my constant cry. No time to give to those in need - but at last it was time to die. And when before the Lord I came: I stood with down cast eyes. Within His hand God held a book called the Book of Life. God looked into the Bood and said, "Your name I cannot find; I once was going to write it down, But never found the time."

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