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Adam's Schoolwork Spotlight

The Monkey and the Giraffe

The monkey likes to climb, he has lots of time.

The monkey is very furry, he's never in a hurry.

The monkey climbs on trees, trees with lots of leaves.

The giraffe has spots, the spots can be dots.

The giraffe has a long neck, he might peck.

No animal is taller, he might eat your dollar.

Written by Adam Sipes, Age 5

Adam's Suggested Reading List and Book Reviews

Below are books Adam has read and enjoyed. Adam is 5 1/2 years old, and has recently begun working on the 1st grade A Beka curriculum. He read some of these books while in Kindergarten and some while in the 1st grade. He recommends all of these books to other kids. Clicking on any of these books will take you to them at, where you can purchase them.

Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss

Adam's review of Green Eggs and Ham.

Green Eggs and Ham is a very good book. Kids will love to read it. I like it because it is very funny!

My Pet, Bobby by Caren Stelson, not available at

Adam's review of My Pet, Bobby

My Pet, Bobby is funny. A dog has a boy for a pet. I like the pictures. They really look great. It was an easy book to read. Your kids might want to read it too.

The Bunny Book by Richard Scarry

Adam's review of The Bunny Book

I like this book because it's about bunnies. It taught me the names of different kinds of bunnies.


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