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If the shack's a rockin...don't come a knockin!!!

The Sugah Shack

Home of southern hospitality
Settle back, kick off your shoes, prop up your feet, and stay awhile!

Meet Sugah Daddy

Greetings and Jokes (updated)

The Ballad of The Pink Flamingo

Daddy's Favorite Music (updated)
Love Songs
Country Favorites
Golden Oldies
Other Favorites Oldies
BigBand,Broadway,Patriotic Music
Movie Theme Music
TV Music Themes


A Tribute to The Military

Vietnam Remembered

COPS-A Tribute to Law Enforcement

"Aggie 12 Dedication"

Tribute to a Special Angel

My Pet Buddies

My New Links Page-Check out some good sites

A special thank you goes out to my better half, with much love for all her hard work in helping me learn Html. Be sure and visit her pages by clicking on the above link. Thanks!

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Ya'll come back now ya hear!!!

"established 8/98"

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