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Well, I'm glad to see that you decided to find out more information about me.  So, hopefully this will not disappoint you.  If you want to see a picture of me and some of my friends, go back to my main page and click on "Pictures"  and click on "My Pic".  Enjoy!  If you have any suggestions or advice, e-mail me from my main page....
Date of Birth Ya Right!
State Born In A Planet Far, Far, Far Away!
Hair Color Teal
Eye Color Multiple
Height Bigger Than God's Green Earth!
Glasses Yes
I'm also a Diabetic.  I've been one since the age of 14 months and at that time was the youngest diagnosed Diabetic.  It's not hard living with it, you just have to know that you CAN live a normal life like everyone else.  If you would like to know more about Diabetes, click on my link to the Diabetes Home Page

Colleges Kansas State University and Texas A&M
Animals Dogs and Horses
Color Hunter Green and Purple
Sports Football and Wrestling
Football Teams Dallas Cowboys and Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Car Dodge Viper and 1966 Chevy Camaro
Foods Kansas City Strip Steak and Fantail Shrimp
Vacation Location Australia
Music Country, Rock and Roll, New Age Rock
Gun 9 mm Beretta and .357 Magnum (Smith and Wesson)
Dream Furniture Antique Grandfather Clock
Current Plans:

To finish college, I'm a senior at Devry Institute of Technology studying Computer Information Systems.  Thank god only one year of school left, YES!!!  Also, to pay off ALL my damn bills like the rest of society.

Future Plans:

Once I graduate from Devry, I would like to get a job in Dallas, Houston, Austin or San Antonio Texas doing  networking, computer programming, building computer systems or technical support.  I'll really enjoy living in Texas, better than Kansas.  After I get a good job, I'll see what happens.