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Volvo Club of America Texas Chapter (born again!)

(This page was returned to life when the site closed Dec 2007.)

Pics of Texas Chapter Fall Meet - Granbury, Texas, Oct.8-9, 1999.

(below)Young and younger Volvo Lovers in Granbury, Texas.

(below) Michelle Richardson accepts prized Volvo "Rider's" Cup.

(below)Carlos Fenny accepts Trophy from Gary Sievert.

(below)This the spectacular 1800ES by Carlos - 15 years in the making!

(below)We were as hungry for lunch as the Volvos!

(below)Got it made in the shade with a new Volvo S80.

(below) Do you know this man and and his super-neat '68 122S?!

(below) Best of Show! 1999 Volvo S70 T5, Ralph and Karen Williams, Fort Worth.


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