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It Happend Tomorrow

by Olivia S.

I did not write this. Any feedback can be sent to or I will be happy to pass it along.

Date: 23/3/98
SUMMARY: A temporal lapse allows Scully to ponder the joys of a normal life. But what happens when a dream turns into a nightmare?
DEDICATION: This one is for Patty Hayes, my editor-in-chief, with a special thanks to Carol Gritton for the encouragement.

Autors Note: I'm neither American nor English. I hope you'll forgive me for eventual mistakes and inaccuracies and you'll send me your opinions about this work, either bad or good. You can e-mail me at:

Please, send feedback!



"I'm sorry, but I have to ask you to order something. It's Friday night and we have people waiting for a seat."

Scully gave a quick glance to the Hispanic waiter and then to the crowded restaurant. "You are right, but I'm waiting for someone. Give me another few minutes and...another ale." She strove to smile.

The waiter nodded, looking at her with sympathy and Scully felt like a odd version of Humprey Bogart waiting for Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca. She was beginning to despise herself. When had she begun to humble herself in this way for him? When had she begun to allow him to treat her so? Weren't they supposed to be partners at the same level? To be friends? Perhaps her brother was right after all. Bill's words echoes in her mind.

'You would do anything for him, Dana, wouldn't you? He comes before anything else for you, but he only cares about his fucking little green aliens. He's just using you.'

She had left a dinner at her mum's place to come there to celebrate Mulder's birthday, angering Bill deeply. But Mulder was alone and...Sighing, Scully closed her eyes. The truth was, she preferred to stay with him rather than with her family. Bill's words reverberated through her mind.

'Are you in love with him or what?'

No, she wasn't. They were friends. Yet neither this was right. He wasn't just her best friend; he was the most important thing of her life and she was really ready to do anything for him, even to ignore what she felt inside. Because that strange kind of feeling wouldn't be useful for their search for the truth. He needed for a friend rather than for a lover and so she hadn't fall in love with him.

When her cancer went into remission, she found herself with a future once again. She longed to live for a while out of the shadows of Mulder's conspiracies. To laugh under the sun and to know that someone, that HE cared for her. But now she realized that she couldn't have both. A life and Mulder. She had to choose; to live her life or to give it up for him.

At that moment he sat in front of her. She hadn't heard him coming. "I'm really sorry, but I was talking with that woman who claims her husband is an alien. I know you are not going to believe this, but...Hey, where are you going?"

Scully stood and slipped on her coat. "I'm leaving."

He grabbed her arm. "Scully, I'm sorry! I'd have called, but that woman..."

"Let go of me." She was furious, but tried to keep a measure voice. They were in a restaurant, after all, and there were a lot of people. Mulder loosed his grasp at once, but his hazel eyes took the place of his hand. He pleaded with her, but she couldn't, not this time. "I'm tired of you ditching me whenever you have a butterfly to pursue. I'm not going to allow you to make me feel worthless again."

Mulder swallowed. She wasn't worthless at all, she was the only one he trusted and a lot more; she was his Scully. Yet he wasn't able to say such things. Nor had he ever been able to be so open with her. "C'mon Scully, you know that when someone wants to talk about aliens, I'm not able to refuse." God, he wasn't even able to call her Dana.

Scully shaken her head sadly. "Happy birthday, Mulder." She gave him her present, then left adding nothing else.

He didn't try to stop her again. She was right. He opened her package about an hour later, in his apartment. It held a grey T-shirt with the message, 'I was abducted by aliens and proud of it!' Mulder couldn't help smiling sadly.

* * * * *

The bright lights of the city withdrew swiftly in the darkness. She'd done the right thing. Scully let the window down and a wave of fresh air, smelling of night, caressed her face and ruffled her hair. Yes, she had done the right thing. It had been the first decision she'd made by herself in a long time. And it felt damned good. She was tired of following Mulder everywhere, worrying about him, holding his demons at bay. He expected constant spiritual support without realising how high the price was for her. In four years he'd almost drained her. Now she knew how to be strong, but she wasn't able to laugh or cry or admit to herself her real feelings. They called her the Ice Queen, but no one knew that those feelings stirred restless inside her. No one understood how badly she hurt sometimes, not even he who had caused all this, her supposed best friend.

On the passenger seat there was a crumpled tabloid with a gaudy title: 'Was Elvis really an alien?' Scully bit her lower lip and took a deep breath, then threw the paper out the window.

'I'm doing the right thing. Of course. So why do I feel like I just threw away a part of myself?'

* * * * *

Later, he phoned. "Scully, I'm sorry for this evening. I didn't realise how late it was and then the traffic..."

"The damage is done, Mulder." Scully felt utterly empty by now.

His voice lowered. "Your T-shirt looks great."

She didn't have a response to that.

"Will I see you tomorrow at work?"


Mulder closed his eyes. He would have preferred a thousand times her normal sharp rebuke to that odd coldness. This time he didn't found any joke to lighten the tension, he didn't know how to react to that unScully indifference. "I'm sorry." He wanted to add that he was a sorry son of a bitch, but she had already hung up. It was too late. Something had broken.

* * * * *

Scully fell almost at once into a deep and stirred sleep. She dreamed about being pursued by a man through narrow tunnels. She couldn't see her chaser, but his shadow, queerly wide, was hanging over her. Next, she was on a sort of operating table, surrounded by a white dazzling light. There were people dressed in white bent over her, touching her. Unable to move, she started to call for Mulder. Then, among the eyes of those men, she recognised Mulder. Grinning.

She woke up with a start; her forehead beaded with sweat. It was pretty dark, but a faint pearly gleam filtered through the shutters. It has to be dawn. As soon as her eyes got accustomed to the dim light, Scully felt that there was something wrong.

That wasn't her bedroom. She was in a double bed and the pillow near hers was all creased. Jumping instinctively to her feet, she reached for her gun. But she was still wearing her blue pyjamas. No trace of her weapon. Where the hell she was?

Then she saw the framed photo on the night table. She was wearing a wedding gown and was standing hand in hand with a fair haired man wearing a grey suit. They were both smiling. Scully took the photo in her hand to make sure it wasn't a projection of her dream, but it was cold and solid. She needed to compose herself. Taking deep breaths, she ordered herself to search for a plausible reason.

Replacing the frame on the night table, she opened a couple of drawers at random, but they held only folded clothes. She was about to close the second drawer when she heard something heavy knock against the wood. Squinting, she discovered a darker shadow on a gray sweater.

A gun. She took it and went toward the ajar door.

The house was perfectly silent. Clutching the weapon, Scully went slowly down the stairs and reached the dining room, lightened by a big window. "Is someone here?" Her voice sounded clear, but she didn't get answer. Striving to convince herself that it was quite unlikely that someone could be hidden among the thousand shadows of dawn, she entered the kitchen. It was clean and pretty, but unable to explain anything.

Crossing again the dining room, Scully passed just in front of the window. Now it was almost morning, and the light was more clear. She looked down at the weapon and her heart leapt. It was a Smith & Wesson; the FBI regulation gun and the number of code on the butt confirmed to her that it was HER weapon.

It had to be a bad dream.

Once she confirmed she was alone, Scully moved faster. Each drawer, each shelf seemed to hide some upsetting details. Her FBI badge, some of her clothes, her books, an album holding known photos together with others never taken. Suddenly a terrifying thought came to her. She rummaged in the dust bin till she found a newspaper. It was of Monday 1 February 2000. God, for being a bad dream, it was going on a little too long. She wanted to awaken.

Obeying more a conditioned reflex than a rational thought, Scully took the phone that she found on a desk and dialed Mulder's cell number. A recorded voice told her that she'd reached a non existent number. It wasn't possible. She also tried to call him at home, but no one answered.

Now she was really afraid. She was alone in...Yes, where was she? In the future? "No, this is just a dream." Scully said to the dumb phone. "Just a foolish dream."

A car. Someone was parking just outside. Glancing out the window, she saw the man from the photo exiting a grey Volvo and approach the house. So that was her supposed husband. Richard Forster. From books and papers she had found in his studio, she had deduced he was a doctor working there in Washington. It was already ten in the morning and he must be finished making his rounds. Scully wasn't ready to meet him, she had to get out of there. Luckily, she had dressed in a pair of jeans and a sweater and had her badge and gun on her.

While the key was turning in the front door, Scully ran swiftly to the back, finding it locked. "Shit!" Her eyes wandered quickly in search of the keys, but it was too late. She heard steps. She turned to the kitchen door and watched as it began to swing open.

'Behave as natural as possible, Dana.'

Richard Forster smiled at her. "Good morning, honey."

Honey? Did she really allow that guy to call her so? Anyway she succeeded in smiling back faintly.

He came toward her. "It was a terrible night, but Sunday I'll go to play golf with Dr. Cole and his staff. Isn't this great?"

"Really great." Scully headed toward the door, but the man grabbed her hand, making her start.

"You ok?" He wore a woollen grey cardigan and a white shirt. His hair were cut short and his eyes were the same color of the cardigan. He had a good look, but seemed older than her. He had to be older than forty.

end of part 1

It Happend Tomorrow (pt.2)
It Happend Tomorrow (pt.3)
