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The Washing of the Mouth and the Opening of the Mouth Rituals


BM 45749

(copy, transliteration and translation Sidney Smith, "Consecration and Induction of a Divine Statue," JRAS 1925, pp. 37ff; Ebeling TuL no. 26 (pp. 102-108))

When you wash the mouth of the God, on a favorable day you should set up two Holy- water pots in the mummu-House,

spread a red cloth in front of the God and a white cloth beside of the God, making a sacrifice for Ea and Marduk. Now to the washing of the mouth

for the particular God: make a sacrifice for that God; your hand held high, the incantation: "You Who are Born from the Wind of Heaven"

recite three times; the incantation: "From this Day You will go Before your Father, Ea" before that God recite three times;

5. take the hand of the God, and have him lead a ram; recite the incantation: "When you come hither, from the Forest Come," as you go from the House of Craftsmen;

- with torches before that God - until the bank of the river. He must sit down on a reed-mat,

you should set his eyes toward the west, and set up a reed-hut. Prepare a sacrifice for Ea, Marduk and the God concerned;

Offer premium beer and meal; flay the skin of the ram; a hatchet, an axe, a saw,

a frog, a turtle of gold with silver inside, throw them together into the water.

10. You should say "King, Lord of the Deep" before Ea three times; then raising your hand, recite three times "Enki, King of the Apsu,"

offer beer, milk, wine and honey. Perform the Washing of the Mouth and say the incantation "Who comes there, your mouth is washed,"

three times. Then remove the offerings, take the hand of the God and seat him in the Garden,

under the urigallu upon a reed-mat,

in a linen covering; fixing his eyes on the east; go to the river, throw pease-meal into the river,

offer a mihhu libation. Raise your hand, the incantation: "Father Apsu, Destiny is Fixed!" and the incantation: "Quay of the Apsu, Quay of the Apsu,"

15. recite three times each; draw water for seven Holy-water pots, set them up in the House of Kusig.

In the Holy-water pots for the Washing of the Mouth: Tamarisk, Maštakal-weed, 5 Datesprigs, Šalalu-cane, a Marsh-reed,

Calamus, ......... Alkali, Salt, Cedar, Pine, Cypress,

............. Arzallu, Oil, Magnetic-stone, Zab-stone,

............ Coral, Lapis Lazuli, Ud.aš-stone, Ud.aš.aš-stone, dušu-stone,

20. .......... Lead, Iron, Oil, Premium Oil, Fine Oil, Cedar Oil, Honey, Butter,

......... of the offerings, their perfume you should put, and then set forth: a basket of Tamarisk- wood, the water of the Holy-water pots,

in the Coral-basket, arrange the Lapis Lazuli, Silver, Gold, Cypress-perfume, Oil of millet;

set the basket and the Holy-water pots on the Brick of Mah.

......... prepare the Holy-water pots, perform the Washing of the Mouth. Then remove the offerings.

25. Make 9 sacrifices: to Anu, Enlil, Ea, Sin, Šamaš, Adad, Marduk, Gula, Ištar of the Star;

turn toward the north, recite the incantation: "Tamarisk, Holy Tree!" then perform the Washing of the Mouth.

Make 9 sacrifices for: Ninmah, Kusig, Ninahakuddu, Ninkurra, Ninagal,

Guškinbanda, Ninildu, Ninzadim and the particular God, toward the south, and recite the incantation: "Tamarisk, Holy Tree!" then perform the Washing of the Mouth.

You should make 2 sacrifices for: Sagmegar and Dilbat, and recite the same incantation and perform the Washing of the Mouth.

30. You should make 2 sacrifices for: Sin and Bibbu-kaiamanu, and recite the same incantation and perform the Washing of the Mouth.

You should make 3 sacrifices for: the constellations Gud......, Kaksisa, Zalbatânu, and recite the same incantation and perform the Washing of the Mouth.

You should make 6 sacrifices for: the constellations Zibanîtu the House of Šamaš, Apin, Šupa,

Margidda, Erua, Enzu; recite the same incantation and perform the Washing of the Mouth.

You should make 4 sacrifices for: the constellations Ikû, Sinûntu, Anunîtu, Eššim; recite the same incantation and perform the Washing of the Mouth.

35. You should make 4 sacrifices for: the constellations Nûnu, Gula, Eridu, Aqrabu, and recite the same incantation and perform the Washing of the Mouth.

You should make 3 sacrifices for: the stars of the Ways of Anu, Enlil and Ea, and recite the same incantation and perfrom the Washing of the Mouth.

In the morning in the reed-hut you should arrange 3 chairs, for Ea, Šamaš, and Marduk;

.....lay out the huššitu garments. Place over them a linen cover; make 3 dishess and present dates and fine-flour.

Place a mixture of honey and butter. Set up in an adagur-jar, 6....... jars......

40. set up in a line ...............scatter herb about, set out the "Fruit of the Garden," pluck it .........put it forward.

Offer sifted barley-meal, and a censer with Cypress perfume scattered on it; raise your hand

and say the incantation: "You Who Are Born from the Wind of Heaven," three times; the incantation: ".....the Destiny of Heaven and Earth,"

the incantation: "Water of Life, Who Makes the River Swell, I Am....."

the incantation: "Torrent-On-High, Extraordinary One, Who is Shining!" recite, ...... offer....... scattering

45. fine-flour upon the forehead of the ram; then sacrifice it. Prepare the offerings.

The ašipu goes to the left of the God concerned; before Ea, Šamaš, and Marduk he recites the incantation: "God,...... Preeminent!"

Recite the incantation: "Ea, Šamaš, and Marduk!" three times, ...... Šamaš..... recite and perform the Washing of the Mouth.

Thereupon you should recite the incantation: "Holy Image, Who is Perfected by the Great Ritual," then smear the side of the.........

Murmur a whispered prayer, then remove yourself and the craftsmen who have been in contact with the God

50. and the gear.......... of the Gods Ninkurra, Ninagal, Guškinbanda,

Ninildu, Ninzadim, because it has been washed, and then you should set a cord on.....

You should bind. Cut the Tamarisk with a should say.

Open the Eye of the God concerned. The ašipu should stand in front of the that God, saying "In your Going Forth........."

The incantation: "Image Born of a Holy Place," the incantation: "Image Born in Heaven,"

55. the incantation: "Ninildu, Great Carpenter of Heaven," ..........

the incantation: "Exalted Tiara," the incantation: "Holy Throne," you should recite before.... and recite the incantation: "In Heaven You Shall Not Stand."

Repeat it again; the design..................... recite three should go. In the first place remove the offering

for the God concerned. Thereafter remove those of Kusig and of Ninahakuddu; thereupon remove that of the craftsmen,

and finally that of the Great Gods. Take the hand of the God and then the incantation: "Foot that Advances," the incantation: "In His Going In the Street,"

60. you should recite as you come up to the Temple of the God. In the gate of the Temple of the God you should bring the Fork-of-Offering, take the hand of the God and lead him in, reciting the incantation: "My King, In Your Goodness of Heart,"

until you reach the shrine. Place the God on his seat, then recite the incantation: "Meal of the Evening of Heaven," the incantation: "Ornament of the Exalted Throne," recite to his seat.

Beside the shrine set up a reed-hut. Prepare an offering for Ea and Marduk. Complete the offering and then

perform the Washing of the Mouth for that God. Prepare and offering for that God and purify him with the water from the basket,

recite the incantation: "Marduk, Son of Eridu," seven times, and then bring forward everything belonging to the Divinity.

65. Put it on at night. Place him at the Quay of the Apsu, and then make his bright garment....... reach to the Quay of the Apsu.

Let the Inititate instruct the Initiate; the Uninitiate shall not see it. It is forbidden of the Great Enlil Marduk.

According to the wording of the tablet which is a copy, in agreement with the interpretation of Nabu-etil-ilani

the son of Dabibi, the ašipu, Iddinna-Nabu, the son of Gahul-Tutu,

the mašmašu, wrote to preserve his life, to lengthen his days, and

70. placed in Esagila.