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The Mongol, Djalayrid, Kara-Koyunlu, Ak-Koyunlu and Safavid Dynasties - 1258 to 1534

Mongol Period - Ilkhan Dynasty (Baghdad conquered and badly damaged 1258)
1. Hulagu 1256-12652. Abaka 1265-1282
3. Ahmad 1282-1284
4. Arghun 1284-12915. Gaykhatu 1291-1295
6. Baydu 12957. Ghazan 1295-1304
8. 1304-1316
9. Abu Sa'id 1316-133510. Arpa 1335-1336
11. Musa 133612. Muhammad 1336-1338

Djalayrid Dynasty (supports Ilkhans in Baghdad against Tchubanid threats)
1. Hasan-Buzurg 1339-1356; rules in the name of the Ilkhans:

2. Hasan Kutchuk, Tchubanid Dynasty, rules in names of Ilkhans:3. Malik Ashraf (Kutchuk's brother) rules in name of Ilkhan: 18. Uwais 1358-137419. Djalaladdin Husain 1374-1382
20. Ghiacaddin Ahmad 1383-1393 Timur (=Tamerlane) has Baghdad 1392-1394, appoints governor:21. Ghiacaddin Ahmad (2nd time) retrieves Baghdad 1394-1400Timur takes Baghdad again in 1400, with a massacre(Djalayrids survive in lower Mesopotamia until 1432, when Kara-Koyunlu Dynasty prevails)

Kara-Koyunlu Dynasty (Turkoman; conquer Baghdad and make it their capital, 1410)
1. Kara Yusuf 1410-1419
2. Iskandar 1419-1436
3. Djihan Shah 1437-1465
4. Hasan Ali 1465-1467

Ak-Koyunlu Dynasty (Turkoman)
1. Uzun Hasan 1468-1478
2. Khalil 1478
3. Ya'kub 1478-1490
4. Baysunkur 1490-1492
5. Rustam 1492-1497
6. Ahmad Guewde 1498-1499
7. Murad 1500-1502
8. Alwand 1503
9. Muhammad 1504
10. Murad (2nd time) 1505-1509 (dies 1514)

Safavid (Persian) Dynasty (capital Tabriz; rules Baghdad 1502-1534)
1. Shah Isma'il I 1502-1524

2. Shah Tahmasp I 1524-1534

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