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Auralite.....©1997,Marty Fancher/Keytrax Productions Inc.

A Ritual of Self-Initiation


An Altar (any table will do) placed in the east outside your circle;

A Cup of wine or beer;

A Plate with a piece of Bread;

A Vial or small bowl with Oil (for anointing);

A New Axe, or Hatchet;

A Hood or Blindfold;

Candles (as many as you need to see the space; a low electric light lamp is alright, but overhead lighting is too strong - you want to focus inward, not upward; fluorescent lighting makes too much noise);

A Book (with the ritual written in it);

A Bell, Gong or Cymbal;

A Chain or Cord;

Some Flour to make a circle.

The Time is one hour before Dawn.

The Space is Outdoors or in a Closed Room.

The Procedure -

Put yourself under a strict regimen for a week. Read the ritual over and over again. Write your journal daily, and pay attention to your dreams. Memorize as much of the ritual as you can, and at least memorize the "Confession" (the point being to feel as desperate and unworthy as you can, no matter how worthy you feel yourself to be, so that when the light dawns you are flung forward from one place to the other. The ritual must really cause a change of consciousness, and putting yourself in a state of abject despair, with the only way out being the completion of the ritual, is a very effective technique. For this reason you might actually replace the items in the "Confession" with things you really do feel guilty about). Do not do the ritual until you know at least the order of the ceremony. Remember that you will be doing most of it with your eyes covered.

If you have not already done so, choose a magical name during the week. You can make up or choose a name that represents your spiritual goal or your spiritual personality. You might also try to find your name through a dream or vision. If you have friends sympathetic to your magical work, and you have not chosen a name yet, tell them of your intention to be initiated and ask them to be attentive to their dreams for your name. Vision and dream names have the advantage that they conceal things which can be discovered through later study.

When you have chosen a significant day and are ready to perform the initiation, eat breakfast (even if you normally don't), but skip lunch, supper and all snacks. Drink only water. At sunset, read the ritual one last time, then put it away until you perform it. Stay up all night, performing a vigil in front of your altar. If you cannot stay up all night, get up at least three hours before dawn and perform a vigil for two hours. During the vigil you should think about the themes of the ritual - seeking the path, repentance, dedication and rededication, fearlessness - but don't go through the ritual itself (unless you have forgotten something and you absolutely must). Before the ceremony, take time to carefully wash yourself (bath or shower).

One hour before dawn, enter the space and begin the ritual.

1. Enter the temple. Have everything set up so that you know where it is in the dark.

2.Sprinkle a circle of flour around the perimeter of your temple (it does not matter which direction).

3. Perform the Kibratu Ritual.

4.Lie, face down, arms outstretched, head east, feet west. Close your eyes. Imagine that the world has gone away, and your hands are reaching for the light.

5.Rise, and turn counterclockwise to face west.

6.Strike the bell seven times.

7.Blindfold yourself so that you can raise and lower the blindfold.

8.Strike the bell one time as loudly as you can.

Follow the resonance, and when the time is right, say -

In the first days, in the very first days:

In the first nights, in the very first nights:

In the first years, in the very first years:

In the first days when everything needed was brought into being;

In the first days when everything needed was properly nourished;

When bread was baked in the shrines of the land,

And bread was tasted in the homes of the land,

When Heaven had moved away from Earth,

And Earth had separated from Heaven,

And the Name of Man was fixed;

When An had carried off the Heavens,

When Enlil had carried off the Earth,

When Ereshkigal, Queen of the Great Below, was given the Underworld as Her Domain;

He set sail: the Father set sail,

Enki, Lord of Wisdom, set sail for the Underworld.

10.Turn and face east. Visualize an angry cloud, growing as if questioning you, threatening your very existence. Say: -

I wandered the desert,

I wandered the plain,

I wandered in the marsh,

I wandered on the mountain;

In my boat I traversed the Abyss,

I set sail for the source of the light,Because I heard a Word;

His Word, it frightens me up above,

worries me up above;

Asalluhe's Word down below,

It makes me shiver down below.

The Lord's Word,

At which most bitterly I moan,

Comes out of the Mountains!

His Word, which above

Shakes the Heavens,

Comes out of the Mountains!

When His Word alights upon me,

As ever before,

Where am I to go?

The Cloud answers, in a low voice of distant thunder (say each verse of the Confession between the stanzas of the cloud's prounouncements)

(Cloud) A Storm cloud, it lies solidly grounded, its heart inscrutable;

(You) I have spoken slander, gossip, calumny and lies; where am I to go?

(Cloud) His Word, a storm cloud, lies solidly grounded, its heart inscrutable.

(You) I have despised my God and my Goddess too; where am I to go?

(Cloud) Great An's Word, a storm cloud, lies solidly grounded, its heart inscrutable.

(You) I made enemies out of friends, strangers of companions, offended, insulted and betrayed; where am I to go?

(Cloud)Enlil's Word, a storm cloud, lies solidly grounded, its heart inscrutable.

(You) I have stolen, hated, and commited fraud; where am I to go?

(Cloud) Enki's Word, a storm cloud, lies solidly grounded, its heart inscrutable.

(You) I have estranged my Father and my Mother, my Brothers and my Sisters; where am I to go?

(Cloud)Asalluhe's Word, a storm cloud, lies solidly grounded, its heart inscrutable.

(You)I have cursed, wronged, deceived and broken solemn promises; where am I to go?

(Cloud)Enbilulu's Word, a storm cloud, lies solidly grounded, its heart inscrutable.

(You)I have harmed, wasted, broken and perjured; I have manipulated those who trusted me; where am I to go?

(Cloud)Mudagasa's Word, a storm cloud, lies solidly grounded, its heart inscrutable.

(You)I have transgressed taboos, done shameful things, made impure offerings and lying prayers; where am I to go?

(Cloud)Siddukisara's Word, a storm cloud, lies solidly grounded, its heart inscrutable.

(You)I was bribed, swore oaths, was a coward and a fool; where am I to go?

(Cloud)Lord Dimkurmah's Word, a storm cloud, lies solidly grounded, its heart inscrutable.

(You)I let the weak be beaten, ignored the poor, took back what I gave, was selfish and cruel; I murdered, enslaved, I raped and maimed; a drunkard and an addict, I forgot God and Goddess; I neglected my Family, I did nothing to help, I laughed at their pain: where am I to go?

(Cloud)His Word which up above shakes the Heavens, His Word which down below makes the Earth quake, His Word by which the Anunnaki are turned for him, His Word has no diviner, no interpreter of dreams.

(You)I asked for signs I never listened to, for words which I would not heed; I have destroyed everything good, I have done only evil; now I wander in exile, and I fear I will die; where am I to go?

(Cloud)His Word, which above shakes the Heavens, His Word, which below makes the Earth quake: this Word comes from the Mountains.

When it alights, as ever before, where are you to go?

12.See the Cloud withdraw, with distant thundering.

13.Turn again and go to the west, and begin to walk, slowly and deliberately, counterclockwise around the circle one and a quarter turns, saying -

He set sail, the Father set sail,

Enki, the God of Wisdom, set sail for the Underworld.

Small windstones were tossed up against him;

Large hailstones were hurled up against him;

Like onrushing turtles

They charged the keel of Enki's boat.

The waters of the sea devoured the bow of his boat like wolves.

The waters of the sea struck the stern of his boat like lions.

Like a gale, like a gale

The Mighty One,

Like a gale the Mighty One is shaking me

Like a lone reed,

like a lone reed

the Mighty One

Is shaking me.

14.Continue on until you reach the east (thus one and a half turns). Facing east, hold your hands in the piety gesture. Visualize a scorpio-man and a scorpion-woman at the sides of a tall gate leading into a high dark mountain: the doors are locked.

The scorpion-man says -

"Someone has come to us. Her/His body is the flesh of the Gods."

The scorpion-woman says -

"Two-thirds of her/him is divine; one-third of her/him is mortal."

They say together -

"Who are you, that comes to us on this distant journey?"

15. You go up to them and say -

I am (say your full name).

I wandered the desert;

I wandered the plain;

I wandered in the marsh;

I wandered on the mountain;

In my boat I traversed the Abyss;

I set sail for the source of Light,

because I heard a Word.

16. They say:

"Unpurified and unconsecrated you cannot pass through the Mountain of Sunset and Dawn."

17. You repeat the Confession, but not the cloud's speech:

I have spoken slander, gossip, calumny and lies: where am I to go? I have despised my God and my Goddess too: where am I to go? I have made enemies out of friends, strangers of companions; offended, insulted, and betrayed; where am I to go? I have stolen, hated, and committed fraud: where am I to go? I have estranged my Father and my Mother, my Brothers and my Sisters: where am I to go? I have cursed, wronged, deceived, and made light of solemn promises: where am I to go? I have harmed, wasted, broken, perjured, and manipulated those who trusted me: where am I to go? I have transgressed taboos, done shameful things, made impure offerings and lying prayers: where am I to go? I was bribed, swore oaths, was a coward and a fool: where am I to go? I let the weak be beaten, ignored the poor, took back what I gave, was selfish and cruel; I murdered and enslaved, I raped and I maimed; a drunk and an addict, I forgot God and Goddess, I neglected my family, I did nothing to help, I laughed at their pain: where am I to go? I have asked for signs I never listened to, words I would not heed; I have done nothing good, I have done only evil; now I wander in exile, and I fear I will die: where am I to go?

Visualize them daubing your hands and forehead with water from the Euphrates and Tigris. One passes a torch in front of you. They say -

"Now you are purified, cleansed, bathed, washed, and cleaned

in the waters of the Pure Tigris and Euphrates,

the waters of the Sea, Vast Ocean.

Purified and Consecrated, you may pass by."

19. Turn and walk slowly around the perimeter of the circle one and a quarter turns, saying as before "He set sail" (number 13 above).

20. Facing north now, see two giant Bull-gryphons: a human head, a bull's body and legs, with eagle's wings ready for flight. They stand guard at either side of a tall gate with locked doors. When you walk up to them, they ask:

Who are you, who comes to us on this distant journey?

21. You answer as before (number 15).

The bull-gryphons say -
Unpurified and unconsecrated you cannot pass through the Mountain of Sunset and Dawn.

23. Repeat the confession (number 17).

24. Visualize them daubing you with refreshing water on your hands and forehead as before. One passes a torch in front of you from your head to your feet. They both say -

You are purified, cleansed, bathed, washed, cleaned,
in the Waters of the Pure Tigris and Euphrates,
in the Waters of the Sea, Vast Ocean.
Purified and consecrated you may pass by.

25. Turn and proceed one and a half times the circle, saying again -

He set sail, the Father set sail (etc.)

26. Now facing south, see two great Lion-men guarding the entrance to a tall locked gate. When you walk up to them, they say to you:

Who are you, who comes to us on this distant journey?

27. You reply as before:

I am (say your name)
I wandered the desert (etc.)

28. The Lion-men say -

Unpurified and unconsecrated you cannot pass through the Mountain of Sunset and Dawn.

29. Repeat the confession.

30. See the Lion men wash and pass the torch before you, as before. They say:

You are purified, bathed, cleansed, washed, cleaned (etc.)

31. Turn and proceed one and three-quarter times around the circle, saying as before -

He set sail, the Father set sail (etc.)

32. Facing now west, visualize two huge Sea-dragons standing at guard before a tall gate. When you walk up to them, they ask you:

Who are you, who comes to us on this distant journey?

33. You say to them:

I am (your name)
I wandered the desert, (etc.)

34. The Sea-dragons say as before -

Unpurified and unconsecrated you cannot pass through the Mountain of Sunset and Dawn.

35. Repeat the confession.

36.The Sea-dragons anoint your hands and forehead as the others did before, and pass a torch in front of you, saying:

You are purified, cleansed, bathed, washed, cleaned, (etc.)

37. Turn slowly east. Facing east, you see a city at night with eight lighted gates, brightness and light inside. You see Ishtar standing above the city. She says -

At that time a tree, a single Tree, a Huluppu-tree
was planted by the banks of the Euphrates.
The tree was nurtured by the waters of the Euphrates.
The whirling south wind arose, pulling at its roots,
and ripping at its branches,
until the waters of the Euphrates carried it away.
I plucked the tree from the river,
I brought it to my Holy Garden.
How long will it be until I have a Shinging Throne to sit upon?
How long will it be until I have a Shining Bed to lie upon?

38. Standing with your arms at your sides, say -

I am (your name)
I have wandered the desert,
I have wandered the plain,
I have wandered the marsh,
I have wandered the mountain;
in my boat I traversed the Abyss,
I set sail for the source of the Light.
Now I have come to this City,
because I heard a Word.

39. She says -

In the days when the fates were decreed,
when abundance overflowed in the land,
when Great Sky An took the Heavens and Great Wind Enlil took the Earth,
when Ereshkigal was given the Great Below for her domain,
the Lord of Wisdom, Father Enki, set sail for the Underworld,
and the Underworld rose up and attacked him.
At that time, a tree, a single Tree,
was planted on the banks of the Euphrates.
The south wind pulled at its roots and ripped at its branches,
until the waters of the Euphrates carried it away.
I plucked the tree from the river,
I brought it to my Holy Garden.
I tended the tree, waiting for my Shining Throne and Bed.
Then a serpent who could not be charmed
made its nest in the roots of the tree;
the Anzu-bird set his young in the branches of the tree,
and the Dark Maid Lilith built her home in the trunk.
I wept.
How I wept!

40. Say -

I wandered the desert,
I was hearing a word;
I wandered the plain,
I was hearing a word;
I wandered the marsh,
I was hearing a word;
I wandered the mountain,
I was hearing a word;
in my boat I traversed the Abyss,
I was hearing a word;
I set sail for the source of the light,
because I heard a word.
The Word, the Queen of Heaven's weeping!


I heard the Word!

42.Go to the altar and anoint yourself with water on your hands and forehead, saying -

Purified and consecrated, I may enter the Garden.

43. Wrap the chain around your chest, saying -

I fasten my armor around my chest;

44. Take your axe, saying -

I lift my bronze axe, the Axe of the Road

45. You will draw the Kibratu (pentagram).
With your axe make a diagonal striking motion from a specific high point above, down right to bottom left, saying -

I strike the serpent who can not be charmed

Strike up from bottom left to right, saying -

the Anzu bird with his young flies to the mountains

Strike horizontally from right to left, saying -

Lilith smashes her home and flees to the wild, uninhabited places!

Strike diagonally down from left to bottom right, saying -

I loosen the roots of the Huluppu-tree,

and finally strike from bottom right to the top point from which you started, saying -

I cut off the branches of the Huluppu-tree

(You have made the Kibratu symbol) Place your axe on the ground in front of you. Say -

From the trunk of the tree I carve a Throne for my Holy Sister;
From the trunk of the tree I carve a Bed for my Holy Sister.

46. Take the Rod in your hands and say -

From the roots of the tree She fashions a pukku for me, her brother/sister

Take the Ring in your hands, and holding Rod and Ring together, saying -

from the Crown of the Tree She fashions a mikku for me, her brother/sister

47. Break the circle clockwise in the four directions with your foot, returning to the altar where you place the pukku and mikku. Dawn should be breaking.

48. Strike the bell 7 times.

49. Eating the bread and drinking the wine or beer at the appropriate times, say -

In the name of Enki, Lord of Wisdom,
by his Power and his Holy Shrine,
in the name of Nisaba, Lady of Wisdom,
by her Power and her Holy Shrine,
in the name of Asalluhi, Magus of the Gods,
by his Power and his Holy Shrine,
let what I have won for Her remain in the Holy Shrine of my City;
let the High Priest spend his days in Song at the Holy Shrine;
let the Citizens of my City prosper;
let the Children of my City rejoice;
for my City is restored to its place.
Now bread is baked in the Shrines of the Land,
I eat it, the Sustenance of the People (eat bread, pause);
Now beer is tasted in the Homes of the Land;
I drink it, the Destiny of the Land (drink, pause);
Now the Great Sun is arisen from the Abzu,
and I am fit and nourished from the Source of the Light.

50. Extinguish all lights, and stand facing the Sun, or visualize it if it is overcast. Say:

(Your initiated name) is now the Initiated Priest/Priestess,
Purified, cleaned, washed and made whole;
The Work of the Gods shall be my Task,
The God and the Goddess shall guide my Soul.

51. Finish the ceremony in meditation for awhile. Then sweep up the flour and cast it away over open ground.
