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Gia-Marie blew the candles out of her cake, her daddy had made sure there were just enough on the cake to show her age. At five years Gia-Marie was an exceptional child, she was bright and fun, her father was teaching her music and her mother was schooling her in mathematics and English. Never once had Gia-Marie asked why she looked nothing like her parents, never had she questioned her blonde hair to their dark complections. “Well done Gia-Marie” her father smiled at her with satisfaction remembering his fifth birthday. “Now your gift.” he handed her a small package she opened it with luster to discover a book. “The pages are blank child so you may fill it with your thoughts and wishes.” “Thank you Papa.” she hugged him as tight as her little arms could then kissed his cheek softly. Erik wore his mask everyday and night to protect his new love. Christine often begged him to remove it, promised him Gia-Marie would not scream or be afraid yet Erik wanted nothing to make his little one uncomfortable. He remembered the day Christine had brought her home, he couldn’t remember a day before then, his mind wouldn’t let him. “Raoul!” Christine stopped dead as Erik turned to protect her. “My my, what have I found here.” Raoul was obviously drunk. “You’re not welcome here Viscount.” Erik told him bluntly allowing the thoughts and feelings of blood lust he’d had suppressed now flood into his soul. “No? I’m not welcome? You steel my lover and my daughter but I can’t stay for a drink?” he accused “He did nothing of the sort.” Christine defended. “Lying wench” he moved to strike her but was met with Erik’s hand. “Leave here Viscount, before you leave in a box.” “Still so much hate ol’ chap.” he walked around Erik “I thought raising my daughter would have mellowed you out.” “She’s hardly your daughter Raoul, you begged me to take her. Begged me to remove the only thing you had left of Meg.” “I had just lost my wife and son Christine some may say I was a little too distraught to make a clear decision.” he looked from Christine to Erik. “I’d like my daughter now.” he moved quickly up the stairs but was met four stairs up by Erik, in front of him. “Ever the acrobat Eh phantom.”
“You’re drunk.” Erik spat. “And you’re a murder. They’d pay a pretty sum to know where you’re hiding.” “You found me.” “I found you, yes interesting isn’t it.” Raoul pointed at Christine “she’s how I found you. She doesn’t hide well, and she certainly doesn’t fit in with commoners at the market.” Erik agreed with that, Christine was the diamond in a coal mine, she stuck out.
“Raoul you’re being irrational, what would Gia-Marie think, you suddenly claiming to be her father when she’s only known Erik.” “She’d think that she was taken from me when her mother lay dead on a table bludgeon, and my son next to her, both lifeless Christine that’s what she’d think.” “No.” Erik injected “Daddy?” Gia-Marie stood at the top of the stairs looking down into Erik’s face. She was scared and tears were rolling down her face. “It’s alright little one, just a visitor. Back to bed.” “Daddy I’m scared.” she reached out for him. Raoul pushed past Erik and hurried to the little girl. Gia-Marie screamed pure fear when Raoul reached her. “Daddy!” “I’m your Daddy sweetheart. Not that horrible masked beast.” Raoul lifted Gia-Marie into his arms. She was crying and flailing. “No! Daddy.” she reached for Erik. Raoul angrily put her down and moved to Erik. “He’s not your father Gia-Marie.” Raoul tore the mask from Erik’s face. “See that child, nothing good could spawn from that. I’m your daddy see, how our hair is the same and our eyes.” he knelt the look at her, though her eyes were fixed on Erik. Finally she spoke, her words were short and meaningful “You’re not my daddy.” she stare right into Raoul’s eyes. “I look like you, but my daddy loves me and you’re mean.” she raised her arms to Erik, who lifted her with ease. “I think you should go now.” Christine said from the bottom of the stairs tears running down her cheeks. “I’ll be back. And when I come back, it’ll be with the authority to remove my child from this creature.” Raoul slammed the door behind him and Christine rushed up the stairs to her family. “Oh Erik.” he held her along with Gia-Marie. “It’ll work out.” he promised. Mellowed out Raoul had said, no, he’d just become human. He’d know love and loved in return. Gia-Marie loved him blindly as did Christine, they were his soul and he’d do anything to protect them. Anything.