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Erik stood at the mirror in front of him, tears rendered his sight foggy as he recounted the evening. “How could I have lost her” he asked his reflection grimacing at the horror of his own face. In a matter of hours he’d lost his love and his home. He’d known nothing of the world around him, nothing but persecution and hate, fear and unkindness. Christine had been his only hope, her love would have set him free. As he though he loaded the gun, his truly treasured piece of machinery. “Oh Christine.” he muttered wiping the tears from his marred flesh.
Christine breathed steady as she knocked on the door in front of her, waiting for her Angel to answer and fill her world once more. “WHAT?” came a loud voice from within, a voice that did not match her phantom. “I’m sorry.” she answered the wooden door in front of her before it opened wide. “It’s can’t be.” said a portly man smelling of alcohol. “Christine?” “Yes.” she stuttered. “Come with me.” the man walked quickly to another dark hall, down what seemed like an endless staircase, and through a mote filled with feces and rats. “Sir, where are you taking me?” Christine repeated much through their trip, but was never met with an answer. Finally she saw a light, dim candles glowing from behind a velvet wall. “Erik.” her leader called but no answer came. “Who is Erik?” Christine called. “Erik, answer me.” “Wait!” Christine screamed causing the man in front of her to stop, he turned to her and with a smile pointed to a large painting. Christine examined the painting only a moment before realizing it was of her. “Oh.” she gasped. “Erik.” her guide shouted again still no verbal answer came, the only noise present was that of the rats. The guide sifted through the sludge finding a bottle, he tossed it toward the candle light, hitting a small wall the bottle shattered Christine screamed at the sound. Finally there seemed to be movement behind the curtain of velvet. “What.” came a painful moan deep inside the lair. “You’re princess has arrive sweet prince of darkness.” “Do not play games with me Vincent.” “I play not my lord. She’s here.” Vincent turned to Christine grabbing her arm and thrusting her toward the dim candle light. “See master, she breaths.” Christine took in the sights with wide eyes, this was nothing like the elaborate lair her angel had resound in the opera house. There were only four candles, a large organ was in pieces there was but one mirror and little material a bed and a table were the only pieces of furniture that were in practical order. Still she could not see anyone, she did hear the voice of her angel, but still couldn’t see his face. “Angel of music, guide and guardian.” she began. “Silence!” Erik called from the shadow. “I am no longer your angel. You have made your choice, not live with it.” “My soul was weak Angel. Please I beg you.” Christine moved through the mess to stable ground, she stepped up hoping to glimpse him but was unable. “Please, I realize now the mistake I have made.” “What has changed your mind sweet Christine, has the Patron passed?” “No.” she whimpered. “Too bad.” a smile crossed Erik’s face as he turned to look at her. Knowing in the shadow she would still not be able to see him. “Thank you Vincent you may take your leave.” “Yes sir.” Vincent turned and followed the hall back to the stairs and through to his tavern once again to resign himself to his reading and his drink. “You’re name is Erik?” Christine asked the darkness unable to see anything in the shadows. “Why have you really returned Christine?” he asked still not moving enjoying the strained look on her face. “While Raoul was being treated by the doctors and nurses my mind wandered to you. My mind always seems to wander to you. I could not imagine my life with Raoul knowing that every second of every day my mind would be wandering to you.” “So you did it once again to save him.” hate echoed through his tone. “No, finally I have done something for myself. I realize you are not my father, nor did my father send you, but my dear Angel, you have been more to me than anyone. You listen to me when no one else could hear. If nothing I have to say thank you.” Christine took a step toward a shadow and reached a wall, bare and cold she lean against it. “You have done so much for me, yet I know I should be scared, you’ve killed. How can a man of reason have so much hate. Then the world has showed you nothing but hate, how could you have known anything else. But with me, you’ve always been gentile, never harsh unless I’ve deserved it. With me you’ve shown nothing but love and adornment. What have I done but leave you and hurt you. I’ve ruined everything for you, I have come offering myself as a treaty. An apology you deserve so much more sweet angel or father, friend or phantom.” “You mock me.” “Never.” Christine moved from the coldness of the wall to sit at the edge of the lake. “I have come as a prize.” the phantom laughed scaring her. He moved slightly and without notice until he was right behind her. “Christine.” he whispered icily his voice seemed miles away from her. “Yes.” it was then that he put his hands around her shoulders, turning her to face him. “You’re face does not torture me dear Phantom.” “No it was my soul you referred to.” “It was your love that scared me.” she moved her hand to touch his unmasked face. “I fear no longer.” she moved to kiss him once again. This time he stopped her. “Christine it’s can’t be like this.” “Tell me how to be and I will do it. My teacher.” he jerked away from her. “If you have come to be with me then we must do things my way.” he shouted moving from one corner to another quickly. “Everything has changed, everything is gone.” “Not everything.” she held his music box up. “Where did you get that?” he demanded taking it from her. “It was in the ruins.” she answered as shivers of cold ravished her body, and the demand of sleep was forcing itself upon her. Sensing this Erik stopped pacing. “My dear you should rest. Tomorrow is another day for thought and banter.” Christine was barely able to keep her head up when Erik lifted her to the bed. He placed her in the center and watched with aw as she closed her eyes and peacefully slept. Suddenly it was not Christine whose heart was filled with fear. Now it was Erik’s turn. Chapter Three