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Raoul shifted slightly as the pain of broken ribs pierced through his chest a nurse drew the curtains casting the small hospital room with the brightness of the day.
“Good morning mousier” she smiled checking his pulse. “How are you feeling today?” “The girl.” Raoul whispered harsh through the trembling in his chest. “A girl mousier?” Raoul looked at the nurse widely. She moved his table closer so his wine was within reach. “You’re medication mousier.” she handed him two small pills as a small piece of paper fell to the floor.
“For you mousier.” she picked it up and handed it to him. Fear gripped Raoul, could it be from him? A final note to end his world? As he opened the letter he realized it was not from his nightmare, it was from Christine, his fear left him only momentarily as he read. My Dear Raoul:
I write to you know hoping for your recovery. Knowing I can not help you any longer. I have been lying to you dearest Raoul. From the moment you turned my head I knew I would love you. But so many years had past, so much had changed. I loved you truly but each hour we were together I was never really with you. My mind always belonged to him, each time you told me of our future fear gripped me at the idea of not being with him. I know he’s a monster I know he’s killed but he truly loves me Raoul and I fear I feel the same for him. Please forgive me for I may never be able to forgive myself.
Signed: Your Little Lotte
A tear slowly escaped from Raoul’s eye and down his cheek. “Bad news mousier?”
“A death.” he answered slowly. “The girl I had not realized, she died.”
“Recently mousier?”
“Yes, in the fire at the opera house. She didn’t make it, I thought she had.”
“You were very ill when you got her sir, I can understand you’re misconception. I am very sorry for your loss.” she smiled and made her way toward the door. As she left the figure of another woman appeared.
“Raoul?” He moved in his bed to face the door, a smile touched his face. “Meg Giry. You’re oka.” he opened his arms to her and she rushed to hold him. “She’s gone.” he said after a few moments.
“Gone!” Meg gasped “where?” “To him.” hate filled each word. “How? How do you know?” she asked softly sitting in the vacant chair next to the bed. “She left me a note, a note Meg. I loved her, I fought for her, I’m here in this bed because of her and she leaves me for him.” he threw the note at Meg, she read it before handing back to him. “I’m so sorry Raoul.” “So am I.” Meg gave him her hand, he held it before using his candle to burn the note Christine had left for him. “I have nothing now Meg. Nothing.”
“Nor I.” she whispered.
“What do you mean?”
“My mother is missing.” Meg broke into tears. “How?”
“After she lead you down the stairs to the lair of the monster she vanished. No one has seen or heard from her. It’s been over 24 hours Raoul. I fear the worst. I’ve checked with the churches and hospitals, Mousier Firmin and Mousier Andrea have not heard from her either.” she added crying hard.
“Oh Meg I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t know what I’m going to do. I was hoping Christine was here, she would have known.” “Why don’t you stay with me. They’ll be letting me out of here in a few days. You can stay at my loft until then.”
“Oh Raoul I couldn’t.” “I insist Meg, you’re a friend and you’re in need.” he smiled at her, not realizing before that moment how truly lovely Meg Giry was.
“Thank you Raoul, Thank you so much.” she began to tidy his small room, humming as she did a song that brought Raoul horrible dreams as he drifted to sleep from the medication. “Angel of music hide no longer............
Chapter Four