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Erik felt a body shift next to him and he startled sitting straight up, then realizing it was Christine he relaxed only slightly. She moan softly in a sleep deep caused by the exhaustion of crying. She’d cried for hours Erik remembered, never once did she tell him she was unhappy with her choice but she had made it clear she was unsure if she’d made the right one. She’d given up her life for him, he’d taken her from her home and her sadness was at his blame. He softly moved a piece of hair from her lip, watching her sleep soundly and without a care she looked at peace. He would ask her later if she wanted to leave, if she wanted to rejoin her friend and the outside world. He would ask her to once again choose between life and him. But for now he would watch her sleep and enjoy the dream he’d once had.
Sun spray through a small crack in the boarded window, Christine frown as it hit her blank in the eye. Her head ached from crying she remembered how Erik had been there for her, never relenting never letting her alone. Suddenly it became clear to Christine she was not alone in bed either, sitting next to her upright was Erik, he looked at her as she turn to him.
“Good morning.” she blushed embarrassed for how she’d acted the night before. “How are you feeling?” “Stupid actually.” she answered honestly. A faint smile crossed his face.
“You needn’t feel stupid with me Christine.” “I know.” she smiled at him. “Erik, why do you continue to wear that mask. Haven’t I made it clear I’d rather you didn’t?”
“My whole life Christine, I’ve worn this mask, taking it off to be feared and ridiculed. What you ask of me is hard you must understand. You know how I feel for you, yet I can not bring myself to feel so bare before you.” his words were so honest it hit Christine hard she’d never realized his attachment, yet now understood it.
“I will not ask you again. I’m sorry.” she whispered pressing her body closer to his. She expected him to move, to back away from her intimate gesture, instead he put one arm around her. They remain like that for most of the day, only leaving the confines of the room for tea and bread. Erik read from the many books scattered on the floor as Christine stare out the window where the board had been removed at her request. She watched the sun move across the sky until the room was no longer easily lit by it’s rays. “I can not believe how the day has gone.” she mused taking a sip from her cold tea before placing the cup onto the saucer.
“Why did you change your mind?” Erik asked suddenly changing the tone.
“I told you once already Erik, I could not imagine my days spent with Raoul while I lusted for you.” he laughed at that, an evil laugh Christine hadn’t heard in months. “Indeed.”
“You unlocked something in me Erik, believe me or not, I wont leave you. I love you.” she moved to face him, sitting on her knees gazing into his eyes. Eyes that didn’t meet hers, she took his face into her hands and quickly pressed her lips to his. “Erik let me show you. Please. How much I do love you.” she kissed him again her kiss full of passion and want. A kiss that scared Erik greatly. “I” he started “don’t.”
“You don’t have to.” she interrupted. Slowly she removed his mask placing it carefully on the night side table. She straddle him against his pelvis, as she softly caressed the marred flesh that was his face. “Can you feel that?” she asked hoping it wasn’t painful or worse. He nodded slightly as words escaped him. She pressed her mouth to the flesh allowing her fingers to lead and her lips to follow. Erik put his hands on her shoulders as a sign to stop, she ignored him now running her tongue along the path her fingers drew. Erik took in a staggered breath as Christine continued to prove her love for him was more then just about song. Taking his lips again she deepened the kiss feeling the swell in her own body taking a fire on, uncontrollably her hips began to move closer to Erik, and Erik was powerless to do anything to stop her, they both knew this now.
Christine’s tongue entered the hot waiting domain of Erik’s mouth brushing and exploring as she moaned with pleasure. Erik had moved his hands from the guard of Christine’s shoulders and was caressing her back softly pushing her closer to him, grasping for the closeness he longed for. Christine changed focus trailing kisses from Erik’s lips down his chin to his neck lingering for a few moments as she unbuttoned his shirt exposing the thin chest that was hers to navigate. Erik became extremely worried at that moment, he realized that for the first time in his life, he was completely without any power. He was completely out of control, Christine could do anything to him now, she could kill and he’d not be able to stop her.
Strangely he liked this, finally relaxed without the power of drugs. No lust was far more intoxicating then drugs and love was a stronger power then any opium the planet wide. Suddenly his body seemed to take over where his mind had stopped functioning. He was now a player in their duet of love, he had stopped Christine from going further in her exploration, he’d taken her face and kissed her with power and purpose, he’d lifted her from the comfort of his pelvis and carried her to the larger bed of her room, he’d lit candles as she removed any clothing that may become difficult in moments notice leaving only her lace robe. When he returned to her she was ready for him.
“I love you Erik. Blindly.”
“I know.” he said to her, endearingly brushing his thumb across her soft cheek as his mouth found hers again. His kiss this time was less questionable, it was the kiss of a man who knew exactly what he wanted, his hands still cupped her head as he tilted it back exposing her neck, opening her up to him he ran his tongue from her lips down to her neck, suckling at the small sensitive place just below her ear, he sprinkled kisses across her neck and back to her face slowly, taking every moment as though it would never come again. His hand moved from the depths of her hair to caress down her back and across her chest cupping her breast as he took her lips again she moan in surprise and pleasure her body leaning closer to his hand begging for his touch. Her nipple became taught under his touch he smiled into her mouth moving his lips to the pink flesh between his fingers. He licked and teased her taking her out of her mind. Christine wasn’t sure what had come over her angel and she wasn’t sure she cared. He gently ran his teeth against the tender flesh that was her breast, his lips and tongue getting to know the area well. He moved slowly and with careful steps from one breast to the other, often stopping to kiss her pouted swollen lips before returning to the full mound before him. His body was betraying him, screaming at him for attention, he pushed these screams away knowing to well they’d not obey long. Erik wanted nothing more then to pleasure his Christine, he untied the lace sash holding the remaining robe to her body, the tossed the garment to the floor leaving Christine naked before him. She blushed and shivered as the cool air graced over her once heated body. Erik removed his shirt not trusting himself if he removed more, he rejoined Christine closing the gap of their bodies, her softness against his rough. Christine ran her hands down his chest, bending to resume her explorations shortly lived. She kissed along his shoulders, she’d never realized how strong her was, his arms wrapped around her holding her to him as she moved along her journey. Her lips found their way from Erik’s neck to his ear, to his jaw line. From his jaw line Christine kissed down his chest, too stopping at taught nipples begging her attention. She kissed him with need, her hands following her lips, she came to his stomach, her lips noting a difference in skin. She gasp at the sight of the scar, it was awesome in size, she ran her tongue along it before looking up to him. “Painful?” she asked. He nodded pushing the memory of Sasha from his mind and once again focusing on the feeling of her mouth closing in on him, he had not realized she’s unbuttoned his trousers until her mouth was present. He was stiff with want for her, he was all hers she realized as he shifted weight uncomfortably. Finally her phantom was human. She decided not to press the issue that made him obviously discontent, placing her mouth once again against his. His hands moved to her hips, caressing the soft physic of her bottom before introducing himself to her waiting womanhood. She open her legs to him, needing and not known what she needed. His hand found her, the dampness of her want for him he smiled in appreciation delicately he traced his fingers against her swollen clit, pushing a lingering finger into her as she nearly scream in pleasure if his lips had not been covering hers. Her mind wandered to where on earth he’d learned such pleasure it lingered only for a moment before Erik moved his mouth to where his fingers had been, he licked her kissing the swell of lips between her legs. This time Christine had nothing to suppress the scream of delight, Erik smiled into the flower of her womanhood running his tongue in and out of her, tasting the wet juice of love that pour from her. He realized she could not take much more as her moans and screams were getting closer together and her hands had gone from caressing him to holding the sheets below her. He removed his pants. “Christine, are you sure?” he asked knowing the answer.
“God yes.” she barely breathed reaching for him. He lower himself to her, his pelvis between her legs and he guided himself into her, she twitched slightly as he entered her. Their dance began, where once a song carried them now they were one, Erik lifted Christine into his arms as he pushed deeper into her, passion fused them as he rocked inside her. She kissed his shoulder harshly as pleasure took over her mind. “Erik” she moaned getting closer to that moment, ecstacy was upon them. Erik made one final push into her and released himself, as she scream with passion at the joining of them. “Christine I love you.” he finished holding her against him as the sweat from their bodies rendered them sticky and tired. Christine moved as close to him as she could get, kissing his shoulder as she nestled against it.
“And I love you Erik.” Sleep once again came from exhaustion for Christine, but this time, it was a pleasurable exhaustion. Her dreams were filled with a future she longed for, children she watched playing in the garden, a girl and boy. Smiling and laughing. She barely noticed that both of them were scarred in the face, she only loved them just as they were.