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Rain pattered on the window of the bedroom, softly dragging Christine from her dreams. She reached to her side looking for Erik’s body, knowing in her mind he has gone. She’d been correct, the place next to her was concaved with the imprint of Erik but he was no where to be seen. “Erik.” she softly called hoping he was still in the room. She listen for a moment before crawling out of the warm bed a shiver ran through her, she grabbed her dressing gown and moved down the stairs. “Erik.” She called louder still no answer came, she checked the kitchen, it was empty and nothing had been disturbed. She checked the study, again to find it empty, the organ and music were unscathed. “Erik.” she yelled panic and fear entered her voice, she ran this time to the door, calling out back hoping he was only in the garden. “Erik. Answer me.” a tear ran down her cheek as she realized he was no where in the house or around. Surly if he were he’d have answered her. She looked for a note, a sign that he’d left and would be returning. There was nothing. Had something happen she wasn’t aware of, had she slept through some break in, was Erik in trouble, or worse? Christine paced the floor of the study, she read some of the music on the organ and made some tea , anything to get her mind off of how long Erik had been gone. She wasn’t sure when he’d left she only knew she’d been up for three hours, and there was still no word from him. He’d left before she mused sipping her tea, he’d left her to prepare this home for her, but he’d said good-bye, he’d promised to return. This time there was no promise, there was no good-bye. After five hours, Christine debated to go look for him, the sun would be setting soon and she knew well that he would be fine in the dark, she feared how she’d be, alone in the house. The rain had stopped seven hours after Christine crawled out of bed, she was pale with fear and worry when the door finally open displaying Erik, damp but home.
“My dear, you look awful.” he smiled at her from the door. “I look awful, of course Erik, this is how a person looks after they’ve spent the day in fear that you’ve been captured against will, beat up or worse. Erik, where have you been.” She was yelling at him, she was full of passion and hate. How dare he!
“I’m sorry.” his tone was different, sincere. “Christine, I didn’t realize. I’ve never had to report my comings and goings before. I apologize for worrying you.” he moved next to her, taking her into his arms. “I’m alright.” he kissed her hair brushing his hand across her face. “I had to run an errand.”
“I couldn’t have come along? You couldn’t have left a note. Or waited till I woke up to leave.”
“Again, it never occurred to me.” he sighed. “I’m sorry. It wont happen again.” he handed her a small box, it was gold with pink ribbon. She looked up at him with wonder. “Open it.” he sat on the stool of the organ as she fumbled with the ribbon. A thousand thoughts entered Christine’s mind as she placed the gold paper on the desk and opened the box. There in velvet, crusted with diamonds was a mask on a chain. “I know you never understand my need for this mask Christine. You will never know what it’s like to be feared for my face. I want you to have a mask too, one that you feel compelled to wear, to every occasion.” her heart sank with love. He helped her put it on.
“Erik it’s so beautiful thank you.” she admired it again before kissing him. “You must be starving.” she started for the kitchen before remembering her Angel didn’t eat much. “Or probably not.”
“Actually, I am.” he removed his cloak before helping in the kitchen. He couldn’t remember a time he’d felt more relaxed.
Raoul paced around the corridor for the third time, the windows were still fogged with rain, the white and pale blue floor was still stained in the same places and he was sure there were more then a few lighting issues. How long did it take for a simple doctor’s appointment? He asked himself, he’d passed the same old lady three times and she was glaring at him. “Sit down.” she demanded before returning her attention to the book in front of her. Finally Meg can out of the small office a smiled on her face as wide as the sky.
“Alright?” Raoul asked
“Pregnant.” she gushed. “Oh Meg!” Raoul lifted her into his arms and kissed her wildly. “That’s amazing!” Raoul was going to be a father.
Christine sat in the garden, enjoying the sun and a cool glass of tea with Erik brought her the letter. “It was on the step.” he told her absently. “Thank you.” she read the letter quickly before the smile on her face faded into a scream of joy. “She’s pregnant.” Christine shouted into the house. Erik appeared moments later. “I’m sorry?” he said
“Meg, she’s going to have a baby.” “Ah, I see.”
“This is so exciting. Oh Erik, I must go to her.” she didn’t even think as she said it. She stood and hurried to her room to begin packing. It wasn’t until that evening she realized what she was doing. “I guess you won’t be joining me.” her mood had shifted, she was no longer excited for her friend, she was unhappy.
“I’ll stay here, tend to the garden.” “Erik! Please, come.” “That would be a very bad idea Christine. And you know that as well as I do. She’s your friend you should be with her. I am not welcome nor invited. Please don’t give it another thought. I shall order you a carriage for tomorrow.”
“How can I leave you?” she threw herself on the sofa. “Simply my dear, you get into the carriage and it takes you to the Viscount and his wife. It’s quiet a marvel really.” she could taste his sarcasm.
“Erik, that’s not funny. Please stop being like this. I want you with me, please think about it. Please.” she kissed his cheek before heading to her room to sleep. Think about it indeed, what did she really think would happen, they’d stroll up to the home of the man he’d taken her from and they’d open their arms with joy. Welcome dear friend, you’ve killed, you’ve stolen and all is forgotten, lets have brandy? No, he would be met with fear and loathing, as it should be. No, he would stay home and write his music. The next morning after tea and tears Christine climbed into the same carriage that brought her to live at the romantic loft. She kissed her angel good bye and set off to her friend, as the carriage rounded the edge of town she wondered if she’d really ever return. What life was there for her in the phantoms world? She fingered the mask she wore around her neck, her love for him was real, but was he?