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The carriage pulled up to a large home, Christine recognized the Chagny residence, it had changed little since she’d been there last. The trees were larger but nothing much else had changed. The driver helped Christine out of the carriage, she hurried to the door as it swung open, there stood Raoul, the color in his face drained.
“Christine.” Meg was behind him, a huge smile graced her face as she rushed past her husband to hug her friend.
“I never thought you’d come. Oh Christine you’re here.” she let go taking Christine by the hand and pulling her into the home. Raoul did not follow. “He let you go?” Meg asked as the maid poured tea for the ladies in the largest sitting room Christine could remember.
“Of course Meg, I’m not his prisoner.” she denied sugar and took her tea. “You look so happy. Oh Meg, you look so pregnant.” she smiled.
“I am Christine. I am so happy. Raoul is certain it’s a boy. I think it may be a girl.” the girls sipped their tea and recounted the past months. “I was so sorry about your mother Meg. No one could have known. It’s such a tragedy.”
“Yes.” Meg bowed her head and touched the pouch that was her stomach. “Shall I show you to your room?” Meg stood. “Yes.”
“You’ll be staying a while?” hope graced her words. “A while.” Christine nodded.
Dinner was served in the grand hall, Raoul sat at the head of the table, Meg at the other end and Christine sat in the middle. She hadn’t had a meal so extravagant since her father was alive. Raoul made no contact with her, he acted as if she were not even in the room. Meg excused herself after the meal and went to bed. Christine retired to her room, for hours she tried to sleep but couldn’t exhausted she ventured to the library in search of writing paper. Raoul was sipping brandy by the fire. “Why are you here?” he asked before Christine noticed he was there, she gasped at his words. “Did you think you’d be welcomed Christine, open arms and all that?”
“Raoul of course not. I needed to be here for Meg, if you’re not comfortable, I can leave.” she turn toward the door.
“And upset my wife. She is my wife Christine, I married her. I married her when I knew you were gone. I told myself you’d died. It would have been fine if you’d have stayed dead Christine. Stayed away.” he stood then and walked toward her. Christine backed against the wall, she knew Raoul would never harm her, but she also knew he was angry and drunk. “I love her, I do. She’s just not you, she’ll never be you. Christine you broke my heart. You ended it without even giving me a chance. Explain to me Christine why did you leave with me? Why did you lead me to believe you had made the choice and I was it? Does he even know? Does he get the chance to wonder what he’s done? Does he realize he won, in your cruel game. He wasn’t even the ring master Christine does he know that?” he was standing right in front of her now, he touched the mask she wore around her neck, his lips came down without warning, the kiss was one of a drunk man, but oddly it felt like home. She kissed him back, the whole time her mind swirled with the though of Erik. Finally he ended the embrace. “You’re not his Christine, does he know that at least?” before she could answer Raoul set his glass on the mantle and left the library.