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"Just Breathing"
Danny stood at the edge of the platform, his face pounding quickly turning black and blue. Tears were pouring down his face as the train pulled into the station; he grabbed his bag and boarded it. “Ticket.’ The pretty blonde said holding out her hand to punch his voucher. “You doing oka sir?” she asked noting his beaten look. “Ya, I’m oka.” Danny replied taking back his punched ticket.
“I could get you some ice, that’s quiet a shiner.” “Thanks that would be great.” He mustered a smile, pain shooting through him; he glanced out the window as the train pulled away from the station. “Here you go.” The pretty blonde smiled as she handed Danny the ice pack.
”Thanks.” Danny put the ice over his eye the cool felt nice against the swelling. Once the ticket girl left he was alone. He stared out the window watching the trees and earth wiz past him. An hour went by, his ice had melted, his face feeling little better. His cell phone was ringing when the ticket girl returned with some coffee. “You want to get that?” she asked handing Danny the warm cup.
“Nope.” He replied sipping the hot java. “Mind if I ask what happened?” she asked stepping into the small compartment that was all Danny’s “I’m Jena.” She extended her hand. “Danny.” He shook her hand and put the coffee on the window ledge. “Lovers quarrel?” she asked. “Almost.” He replied.
“Oh.” Jena glanced out the window. The train was slowing to a stop. “I better go help people who are getting off here. You’re on to the end right?” “To the end.” Danny answered sipping his coffee. His cell phone rang again, this time he picked up. “Taylor.”
“Danny, where are you? Are you oka?” Ah Vivian, always one to be the concerned mother type. ”I’m fine Vivian. Just a little bruised.” “Well where the hell are you?” ”I’m going away for a while. I already talked to Jack about it. I just need some me time. No big deal. Don’t worry about it.” “Danny.” Vivian began before Danny cut her off.. “Honestly Vivian. I’m fine.” “Well I thought you’d like to know that Martin is going to be fine.” She added quickly. “Good.”
“It wasn’t your fault Danny.” ”I know.” He looked out the window, his eyes filling with tears. “Alright well.” Vivian added. “Call if you need anything.” “I will. Bye Viv.” Danny hung up and stowed his phone in his suitcase. He stared out the window until the train started moving again. Jena returned. “Company?” she asked closing the panel behind her, Danny nodded. “So, tell me more.”
”Not really much to tell. I told the person I love, that I love them and then everything fell apart.” Danny took the last sip of his coffee. “Can’t be that simple.” Jena commented.
“It’s not. That’s the short version.” ”Oh honey we have four hours. Give me the extended.” Jena got comfortable. Danny looked her over, maybe telling it would make him feel better. And so he started from the beginning. Two