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Martin walked into the elevator, he smelled like fresh laundry. “Morning Danny.” He smiled handing me my morning coffee. He always remembered my coffee, I never had to bring it in myself. “Rough night?” I asked him noticing that his eyes were more tired then usual.
“No, early morning.” He held the door for me as we exited the elevator. “How come?” I asked him wandering to our desks. “No reason.” He smiled at Sam and jealousy ran through me I was sure that ship had sailed. We sat around the table waiting for our assignments, Martin was chatting with Sam about something I couldn’t hear. Vivian was rambling to me about something, I nodded appropriately. Jack entered the room with his usual force and we all jumped into our places. Martin took his place next to me and I relaxed. Jack gave out our assignments, Martin and I were to check on a few leads and report back. We got into the car and I had to know.
“You can Sam back on?” I asked casually. “Not really on.” He answered, he was being vague and that was usual for Martin. “Just messing around then.” I still tried to sound casual, like I didn’t care.
‘Kinda. You know, just seeing what’s what.” ”I thought that ship had sailed Martin.” Now I was sure I didn’t sound casual. “Me too Danny but I guess not.” Martin looked at me, just like he usually did. His blue eyes piercing through me.
“Just be careful oka, I don’t want you to get hurt.” I put my hand on his shoulder. He smiled at me and we took off to our first suspect’s house. We connected the dots for most of the day, none of our leads were going anywhere. We hit our usual Chinese place for dinner, discussing case possibilities when his cell phone rang; Sam had another lead for us to follow. When Martin answered I felt like my heart was being ripped out. He was so happy to hear from her. I excused myself to avoid the conversation. When I returned he’d paid the bill and we were off again. “You ok Danny?” he asked me while we drove. “Ya fine, why?” I asked not looking at him. “You seem a little off.”
”Nope.” I still couldn’t’ face him. I knew if he looked into my eyes he’d know I was lying to him. “Alright. Here we are.” We pulled up to a run down old house in a dodgy part of town. I got out of the car and my instincts told me something wasn’t right. Martin must have felt it to because within seconds he was next to me. “I don’t know about this Danny.” He said to me, drawing his gun and staying close. I took out my gun and we split up, he took the front, I took the back.
My flashlight hit something in one of the windows and I moved to see what it was, the face of a child, maybe, no it was a doll. A dog barked then I heard gun shots. I ran to the sound when suddenly my face was being slammed to the ground I didn’t see it coming, nor could I see my attacker. “Martin.” I called out, hoping to hear some reply.
My attacker kicked me repeatedly in the abdomen, and again in the face, I felt my nose cracking under his boot. Then I heard Martin in the distance, he sounded wounded. “Danny.” He called barely able to make it out. My adrenaline started pumping and I grabbed the foot of my attacker, throwing all my weight against him and lunging him to the ground. I grabbed for my gun and shot a bullet straight into his shoulder. I hurried as best I could to Martin; he was hunched over holding himself, crawling toward the car.
“Martin I’m here.” I helped him stand and carried his weight back to the car; I helped him down into the back seat and then called for backup. “Danny.” He coughed reaching his hand for me. “I’m here Martin.” I took his hand in mine, putting my other hand to use applying pressure to his gunshot wound.
“Again.” Martin joked having been shot in the abdomen before. “Save your strength.” ”I can’t do this again Danny.” He looked at me, he was giving up.
”You can and you will Martin. I won’t let you die on me.” He was starting to lose consciousness. Tears started down my cheek and I moved closer to him. My lips close to his ear, only he could hear me, of this I wanted to be sure.
“Martin you can’t leave me. I need you. I love you.” I thought I saw a smile grace his face but I couldn’t be sure. It was then the ambulance arrived, the paramedics took over and I was shuffled to another group, they set my nose and gave me the once over.
I begged to ride with Martin and they let me. In the bus the paramedics took care of him, all I did was hold his hand. When we got to the hospital the rest of the team was waiting for us. We’d saved the missing girl apparently. Martin was rushed into surgery and I waited.
Sam stayed in the lounge while I slept by his bed, I was eager for him to wake up. And when he did my heart skipped a beat. “Martin.”
”Danny.” He looked at me, tubes were everywhere. “What happened?” ”You got shot Martin.” I told him as I’d done before. “Again.” He repeated, I took his hand. “Again.” I answered him.
“Where is Sam?” he looked around my heart felt heavy. “In the waiting room.” I answered he looked at me. “Danny, what happened to you?” “Me, you should see the other guy.” I joked. “Do you remember anything?”
“Some.” Martin answered. “Who shot you?” I asked “I don’t know, I only remember you helping me to the car and.” He trailed off.
“Oh.” My heart had now moved into my throat. “Danny.” The tenderness in his voice wasn’t helping. “Martin, it’s nothing.’ I tried to sound like it didn’t matter. “No Danny, it’s not that.” He pushed his pain button and closed his eyes.
“I’m going to let you get some rest Martin.” I told him letting go of his hand and walking to the door. “Don’t go Danny. We should talk.” Warm tears were starting down my face.
“We’ll talk when you’re out of here.” I told him closing the door as I left. I’d never been so thankful to see Sam asleep in the lounge. She didn’t see me leave, didn’t’ see the tears or the pain or the look of fear mixed with disappointment. I phoned Jack on my way home, I told him I couldn’t come back for a while, I needed some time and of course he gave it to me. I’d been beaten and shot a man, take all the time I needed he said. Three